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ShaolinII 09-04-2003 03:40 AM

Here is some strange informationabout parking tickets.

My student got a $65 (!) ticket for parking in an angle parking spot backwards. Not parked at an angle opposite the yellow lines, but simply she backed into it. Sixty-five dollars. She tried to dispute the ticket but (surprise surprise!) that is the law / bylaw.

Let us not forget the lesson I learned last weekend either. Don't parallel park further than 50 centimeters from the curb, cause that's a $50 ticket.

Careful everybody!
Any other obscure traffic / parking laws you guys may or may not have violated lately?

Shaolin II

Oh yeah, don't u-turn with police watching - that's bad too. $115 & 2 demerits.
The official measurement was 72 centimeters from the curb - What was I thinking?

Mr.Modify 09-04-2003 04:25 AM

Re: Tickets

Originally posted by ShaolinII
Here is some strange informationabout parking tickets.

My student got a $65 (!) ticket for parking in an angle parking spot backwards. Not parked at an angle opposite the yellow lines, but simply she backed into it. Sixty-five dollars. She tried to dispute the ticket but (surprise surprise!) that is the law / bylaw.

Let us not forget the lesson I learned last weekend either. Don't parallel park further than 50 centimeters from the curb, cause that's a $50 ticket.

Careful everybody!
Any other obscure traffic / parking laws you guys may or may not have violated lately?

Shaolin II

Oh yeah, don't u-turn with police watching - that's bad too. $115 & 2 demerits.
The official measurement was 72 centimeters from the curb - What was I thinking?

i wonder if that curb rule is like that down here in houston cause i be all up on the curb cause i dun want nobody hitting my car from the street!!!

Sojsboy 09-04-2003 04:34 PM

backwards? what kinda stupid rule is that? how does that cause danger?

Cisco88 09-04-2003 08:14 PM

it is for all those lazy ticket people who don't want to walk all the way around....

Damian2k1 09-04-2003 08:21 PM

Thats absolutely retarded. Did she dispute it in court or did she just talk to the employee at the payment desk? Unless there is a valid reason which i cant think of right now, i can't really see a judge upholding that ticket.

Also, what do you teach man?

Ok, i may have it figured out. They usually only designate angle parking in one-way parking lanes. Therefore, to back in would require some unorthodox maneuvering in one way traffic. Thanks for the tip!

dret 09-04-2003 08:37 PM

thats bull man...
i would of disputed and said that i was parked next to a big truck and knew i would have trouble backing out later.. so i backed into it for easy access out...

dam parking ticket ppl and dam cops!!...
i was driving right by grant during rush hour... and this cop pulls up beside me.. her lanes moving but she just sits beside me (holding up traffic behind her) and just stares me down... what a bitch... i should of given her the finger or something

Damian2k1 09-04-2003 08:45 PM

haha! dumb ho! She was probably checking to see if your graphic was like a clandestined gang sign or something retarded. I LOVE the way they break every traffic law in the book but can bend you over for something vague like backing into a parking stall or having an "enlarged exhaust tip."

cvcpwr2k2 09-04-2003 10:04 PM

LOL, thats f*ckin funny. shoulda played some music with lots of swearing, like "f*ck the police" by ice cube, that woulda been a riot.

also for messed up parking bylaws, i got a ticket for the stupidest sh*t. here's the scinario: picture this, if you will, three parking meters on the left of a one way and a "loading zone" infront of them, which is about 2 and a bit car lengths long. i park at the parking meter closest to the loading zone. the nose of my car was maybe a foot and a half infront of my meter. i get back from what i was doing and this bitch of a meter maid is writing up a ticket. i argue with her for a good 5 min. but to no avail. i had to pay 30$ for that bull. what a joke of a job these people have, hassling people for useless stuff like this.

Cisco88 09-05-2003 12:05 AM

gotta meet a quota.......

ShaolinII 09-05-2003 04:21 AM


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