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MadWheel 08-09-2004 12:08 AM

DH Racing - Problems Report - UPDATE 8/20, EMAIL ME

UPDATE:8/20/04...Fixed email address... Now .net instead of .com... sorry guys

No engine. We even gave them an extra 5 days. Guns and I will be flying to Las Vegas and taking them to court. For everyone that talked about it... Please email me at and I will compile everything we need to make our case. If everything goes well and we win all the money back, I'll be paypal'ing money back to those who were scammed and made the claims prior to court. Once again, for those who I spoke to before (which was a lot), pleae email me everything you have to present your case. Also include you email address, full name, mailing address and phone number. We will all keep in touch and the 7thgen community will get what we deserve lol... Ok guys i'm done for now. Email me and we'll take care of this. If anyone wants to fly to LV with me and guns, let me know, we can all meet up. Might turn out to be a good time too haha... peace...

If DH does not comply with the requirements that Guns and I have asked for (they have one week) then both he and I will be flying to Las Vegas and taking them to court for suing. They have more cases against them than I can say here, but for everyone waiting on something they were promised, please post a brief description and guns and I will get back to you to get more information that we could bring to court with us. In case some people don't know, I bought a $2500 race motor from them last January. I never got it and sold it to guns at a loss of 400 dollars so I wouldn't have to worry anymore. We worked out a deal for a half now, half later type of thing, and they STILL haven't sent him the motor. When I had first called them, they said 2 weeks (before I sent the money) so I jumped on and sent him the cash.

No motor, no help. They will get what they deserve.

VTECTypeR 08-09-2004 12:13 AM

Well most people on the site bought a worthless Pully that doesnt do crap and hurts our engines.

ZdS03Civic 08-09-2004 12:20 AM

Gearbox will be on here soon. He ordered a head from them and it was f*cked up. Good luck to you Joe and Guns.

gearbox 08-09-2004 12:21 AM

Well they did send me products, and fairly quickly by their standards. But it's still not right for them to do this to others. They started out very polite and have since turned bad. Hope you guys get everything worked out, even if it means facing the liars in court.

ps: the head work was surprisingly good, although they messed up a few things. I'm happy with it so far.

Havok2k1 08-09-2004 12:48 AM


MadWheel 08-09-2004 01:00 AM

Ok guys, not to sound mean but...

Do not post anything unless you yourself have made a large investment in DH for products you either did not recieve, or received defective. Everyone else may view the boards, but this is only for legal action, not for bashing vendors.

seijin_av 08-09-2004 04:08 AM

the damn dual groove pulley... weren't they supposed to send us spacers? argh well i don't think it's worth going to court with, but i'd be more than happy to mail it to you so that you can chuck at their face. =)

ImportRacer2123 08-09-2004 04:30 AM

I am Waiting for a 500 Intake Manifold that I bought from them. I paid in cash in April when I went down there I visited DH. They keep telling me its going out this week etc... Stil nothing I want my money back!

aznboysrfr 08-09-2004 08:08 AM

I ordered a single groove pulley that was defective. How was it defective? ... Well, first of all, it isn't a crank pulley, the belt is too thin .. it seems to be the power steering pulley only

MadWheel 08-09-2004 10:05 AM

aznboysrfr.... if you want us to take legal action for you email me some pics, and a full description of what they said you would get and what you actually got.

Importracer, we're talking anyway, so we'll talk about that stuff later on tonight and figure out what's going on.

xproductionz 08-09-2004 11:28 AM

i live in vegas i and i cant find there damn asses anymore.. they were like 10 minutes from my house.. they took my down payment now i think they moved there shop.. anyone got the new address so i can go back down there and regulate some heads

gearbox 08-09-2004 11:33 AM

I will post the new address tonight.

FuzzBeC00L 08-09-2004 12:16 PM

i never got my pulley but that was not that much money like ur guys stuff

MadWheel 08-09-2004 04:52 PM

Gearbox please PM me. FuzzBeCool, if you want your money back, PM me all of your information, and if you want to email me I'll give you the address. Try to find any written proof you have of the missing part (basically any convos you had with them).

canadian2k1si 08-09-2004 07:47 PM

I am still waiting on expensive engine & Intake Manifold.

MadWheel 08-09-2004 08:08 PM

Canadian2k1SI... PM me if you want... but if they don't come through with the motor by the end of the week, we'll get your info and take it to them. Unless you want to come to Vegas with me and Guns lol

ImportRacer2123 08-09-2004 08:55 PM

Can you get my 500 or my Intake Manifold?

gearbox 08-09-2004 08:59 PM

MadWheel you got PM. I wonder if any of us have a shot at getting refunds for the pulley that doesn't work, or false advertising. I know at least 30 people bought the pulley and only one person managed to shove it on.

seijin_av 08-09-2004 09:46 PM

yeah wait so do you think we have a chance at getting money back for our pulleys or no? just wondering cuz theres a lot of us that can't/haven't tried to get it on because of the whole spacer ordeal...

MadWheel 08-09-2004 09:52 PM

I got PMs from gearbox and Candian2k1SI.

Import I'd be more than happy to help you out. Email me at . I will be compiling everyone's info for the legal actions to be taken. If after next week they don't come through, we will be going there. Everyone who bought a pulley will have to email me their info, what they paid, what was clamed and the end result. I will only take official complaints, no one just saying they want their money back. I need your help too. We need to make this happen guys.

xproductionz 08-10-2004 01:14 AM

so is anyone gonna at least pm me the address considering i already live in vegas.. still cant find there shop cause its not in the same place it used to be

seijin_av 08-10-2004 01:28 AM

These pulleys are for the racer that wants an edge over his competition. They are big power gainers and are easy to take on an off will install in five minutes anyone can do it. Expect to gain as much as 20 whp dyno proven.

i'll be PM'ing you

MadWheel 08-10-2004 01:38 AM

cool thanks man.

slowciv 08-10-2004 03:10 AM

i live in vegas, my ex is dating him..havnt seen him but will gladly help if u guys come out here and need some. im almost positive they were doing the work from house. heard they were moving to parump.

MadWheel 08-10-2004 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by slowciv
i live in vegas, my ex is dating him..havnt seen him but will gladly help if u guys come out here and need some. im almost positive they were doing the work from house. heard they were moving to parump.

I will be PMing you if they don't come through with the deadline we gave them. Thanks man.

rscivic 08-11-2004 10:01 AM

madwheel I have A LOT of info on them screwing me- I actually have my stuff being looked over by a friend who is a lawyer but I can mail you a huge packet of info- pics of everything for my ghetto head p and p they did, emails of promises they made (and threats) and bills for the $2000 I had to spend to put on and fix my almost dead car twice from it- let me know what you want me to do b/c I will make copies of my info and snail mail it to you if you want- count me in, I may not have my 7th gen anymore but these people need to go down!!!!!

cdmx 08-11-2004 12:29 PM

why dont you try contacting a laywer in california first.

mootlif3 08-11-2004 07:17 PM

I never received my pnp head. I ordered back in january. I have about 50+ emails and PM's with Josh's BS. Right now, it's supposed to be 'done' but not put together yet. I've missed two install dates and ate about $250 in cash because of the missed install dates because they're jerkin off in vegas.

If you need the emails/receipts or whatever let me know man. I want in on this.

guns 08-12-2004 12:42 PM

Get Madwheel copies of all emails and paypal/payment transactions copies of checks etc..

Beside going down to file a lawsuite, I am going to show him the info we have and advise him he is in violation of Federal laws which are enforced by the Federal Trade Commision and the FBI (internet fraud and interstate commmerce fraud). He can file bankruptsy but he cant so easily get out of fraud charges.

mootlif3 08-12-2004 01:39 PM

Will do man, will do :D. I gotta get some sleep first, running off yesterday's juice still :(.

MadWheel 08-20-2004 04:05 PM

Update On First Page!!!!

Off To Court We Go!!!

Havok2k1 08-20-2004 04:20 PM

I'm not a lawyer, but I doubt the court would award you money on behalf of other people unless you probably have something from those people saying that they authorized you to represent them in that court case.

Have you consulted a lawyer before making the trek out there?

guns 08-20-2004 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by Havok2k1
I'm not a lawyer, but I doubt the court would award you money on behalf of other people unless you probably have something from those people saying that they authorized you to represent them in that court case.

Have you consulted a lawyer before making the trek out there?

All the info is going to the Federal Trade Commission (internet fraud division) and the FBI (interstate fraud unit). We also plan to meet up with the local district attorney. If we file a class action lawsuit he can always declare bankruptcy. I want him to pay up to get us to withdraw the complaints we will file with the above named agencys.

xproductionz 08-20-2004 07:14 PM

hey madwheel.. email me or i live in las vegas so i'll be more than welcome to show you around or bring you to there so called shop

xproductionz 08-20-2004 07:31 PM

by the way.. someone gave me DH's address in las vegas but guess what... it doesnt EXIST.. either that or they gave me the wrong address

MadWheel 08-20-2004 08:57 PM

So who actually knows where they're located?

MadWheel 08-22-2004 11:52 PM

bumpage for ma homies!

xproductionz 08-23-2004 12:10 AM

so did anyone find the real address yet...????

VinylPlaya04 08-23-2004 02:57 AM

Well it took some work, but here is the address they JUST gave me to send down their vinyl work.

TitleXJosh (12:52:20 AM):

Dave Hickman
7332 Rietz Canyon St
Las Vegas, NV 89131

He also said this at one point in the conversation.........
TitleXJosh (12:41:37 AM): Yeah guns, and Leigh, but shit they got a ****in set of $2000 Rods and pistons to make them happy
TitleXJosh (12:41:42 AM): Guns got a CNC port job
TitleXJosh (12:41:46 AM): They all got hooked up
TitleXJosh (12:41:48 AM): **** those kids
TitleXJosh (12:41:57 AM): And he tried to threaten me with the FBI
TitleXJosh (12:41:58 AM): Whatever
TitleXJosh (12:42:13 AM): And secondly we dont even have the business in Vegas, so good luck filing there
TitleXJosh (12:42:28 AM): Is out of another state which they would never guess and it has to be filed there
TitleXJosh (12:42:35 AM): Nevada will look it up and say have a nice day
TitleXJosh (12:42:39 AM): Ive done my homework
VinylPlaya04 (12:42:57 AM): Wow, so you admit you are ****ing these people over?
TitleXJosh (12:42:57 AM): My father is second to secretary of defense I have a very good legal advisor

JetBlu01 08-23-2004 03:56 AM

lol dayum....good luck on this guys...josh waiting on u guys :rofl: :argue:

LETS GET READY TO RUUUUUUUUMBLE...hey take him to one of those court tv shows so we can witness this

xproductionz 08-23-2004 03:47 PM

told ya the address doesnt exist.. cause i live here and already tried looking for them

ImportRacer2123 08-23-2004 03:55 PM

Well MAPQUEST says its there, so its obviously there. They recieve packages there and have to sign for em

xproductionz 08-23-2004 05:15 PM







ImportRacer2123 08-23-2004 05:22 PM

WoW i wonder whats under the cover.

xian 08-23-2004 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by VinylPlaya04
And secondly we dont even have the business in Vegas, so good luck filing there
TitleXJosh (12:42:28 AM): Is out of another state which they would never guess and it has to be filed there

Um...I guess Alaska!!! Who would right?

Originally Posted by VinylPlaya04
TitleXJosh (12:42:57 AM): My father is second to secretary of defense I have a very good legal advisor

So I guess that would make him Secretaries of the Military Departments

xproductionz 08-23-2004 05:40 PM


MadWheel 08-23-2004 06:42 PM

Guns where are you man? Should we call or go sooner or what? I ain't losing a dime.

guns 08-23-2004 09:31 PM

That is not Josh or Daves house. They must be renting or something. I checked and the registered owner is Robert Dahlburg. Even the plates on the S2000 are still registered in Calif. I checked on DH-Racing and it is listed in Calif as closed. There is already a DH racing in Nevada prior to 2003 so they must have used a different name. Does not look good. I hope he comes through with the parts.

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