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DxMaN 08-22-2002 07:50 AM

[hr]Originally posted by: CivicHX01

[hr]Originally posted by: DxMaN
Sounds like SPAM to me. [hr]
You should check out the website first before commenting so harshly...

This should clear things up... Click...[hr]
Call 'em as I see 'em. This belongs in Products & Parts or some other portion of the site. It's one thing to mention a service, another to sound like a salesman. Anyway, most people that think they will need a lawyer some time in the future pay a retainer fee to a lawyer of their choosing. Cost after initial meeting would be determined by the case. Not sure I quite see the point in pre-paid as I'm sure there are stipulations when the s hits the fan. Besides, if you really though you were going to need a lawyer in the future, I'd take the time to pick one that had experience in what I was going to have a problem with, not some generic. Traffic courts don't usually allow lawyers, so you must be thinking other things

mattskav 08-22-2002 08:31 AM

[hr]Originally posted by: QCKSILVR
My personal opinion:

No offense, but it's pretty stupid in my opinion. When I approach a vehicle, the only thing I say is "license, registration and proof of insurance." I expect the documents to be delivered to me upon my request, as is required by New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. An operator who has been pulled over must deliver these documents, or they will be arrested. I have no interest to look at a someone's attorney's card, legal services card, etc., nor am I required to look at it or speak with anyone's attorney. At that point, I will make a determination based on the operator's attitude and offense whether or not to return back to my vehicle to issue summons(es), investigate the operator's record or release them. If I decide to issue a summons, it is merely an accusatory instrument--I am accusing someone of doing something in violation of a law. The person has the right to plead not guilty and/or request a supporting deposition from me, which is a written statement of the credible fact allegations which back the accusatory instrument.

Chances are, I have a tape recorder going and quite possibly a video camera on my dash. That's for my own protection so I can't be accused of anything. What you say can and will be used against you while speaking to an officer and admissions or actions can and will be noted on the back of the court's copy of the summons and/or my personal notes. The operator (in New York) is not required to do anything but present the officer with license, registration and proof of insurance. In fact, I'd suggest not really saying much. For instance, if the officer says "how fast were you going" you say "I'm not really sure," so that your responses can't be used against you. Again this is the case if I happen to arrest the operator--he/she is not required to say anything but provide name/address and identification.

Again, the officer is not required by any law to speak with someone's attorney. I recommend simply providing name, address, identification, reg and insurance and not saying much of anything else during a stop or arrest situation.[hr]

I have found consistantly that the best way to deal with a ticket is the following:

1. Have your lisence and registration ready, don't even make them ask.

2. When they ask or "do you know why I pulled you over" be somewhat truthfull - i.e. say "yeah, I was going a little to fast." or "yes, I was a little late through the light, I'm sorry"

3. When they ask "do you know how fast you were going", say yes, but underestimate it to the nearest 5 and subtract 1 or 2. So say you were going 72, say you were going 68. The cop wont argue because it's real close. usually they just say (more like mumble) something like "well the radar said 72 but whatever" but in truth this makes them question themselves... they are more hesitant to right a ticket because they aren't sure.

I have heard a lot of cops give advice on how to get out of tickets...

this usually includes stuff like "Don't admit anything" or "Whatever you do, don't say how fast you were going, that just shows disrespect"
but in actuallity, this method works 10 times out of ten. I have gotten written warnings sure, but never a speeding ticket, not even from the most infamous cops.

QCKSILVR 08-22-2002 11:31 AM

All I'll say is that simple tickets completely depends on the operator's attitude. I have no idea whether or not I am going to let someone go or issue a summons until I talk with that driver and that is the case with most instances.

Ducatti 08-22-2002 12:11 PM

I dont really understand why this legal shield junk is necessary if you are getting pulled over for say speeding. If I was a police officer and you flipped some dumb attorney card on me and called your lawyer I would defentitly give you the ticket....

QCKSILVR 08-22-2002 12:20 PM

[hr]Originally posted by: CivicHX01

[hr]Originally posted by: QCKSILVR
Someone with my father's experience would require at least a few thousand to say hello and about $400 an hour thereafter, but as I said, he has 30 years of trial experience.[hr]

:eek::eek::eek: WOW, Your father must only work with rich clients.... Its sad how only the rich people can afford good lawyers... (On the supreme court it says "Equal justice under law" it should say "Equal justice for all that are rich and wealthy")... but at least Pre-Paid is trying to change that by connecting good, quality lawyers with average Joe Shmoe's making an average income... I think thats a good thing which is another reason why i like this so much...[hr]
My dad's clients are corporations, not usually people. A big corporation has no problem affording those fees.

solar 08-22-2002 02:04 PM

Well from what I can tell this "Legal Shield" is like having "AAA" for lawyers, you prepay for services you need in the future, kind of like insurance. But if I ever was pulled over for anything, I certainly wouldn't give the officer a card that read legal shield, I've been driving for 20 years and I'd think most officers would laugh. Like QCKSLVR said, "Drivers Licence, Registration, Proof of Insurance", thats it nothing more, I think if you're affraid of incriminating yourself you can pleaed the "fifth" and sign the ticket and be on your way.

I really don't think that the "Legal Shield" will help you in anyway during a routine traffic stop. just my 2¢

Bartkat 08-22-2002 02:30 PM

Pull out one of those cards around here and you'll get arrested for POP (Pissing off Police) and maybe you get to call your lawyer later.

Like the man says, just your license and insurance card and in some states registration. Play it straight and don't mouth off, and take whatever you get. If you want to fight it, do that later.

Briareos 08-22-2002 02:47 PM

[hr]Originally posted by: QCKSILVR
Idiots? I attained a 1380 on my SATs, possess a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Business Management and a Master's degree in Criminal Justice Administration. Far surpassing what the average level of education is in the US, but, according to your logic, I guess I'm an idiot since I'm a cop. As far as the "revenue" that I make, I don't see a dime of it. I've explained for the past six or so months what happens with that money in most states. The officer never sees a dime of it.[hr]
You get a paycheck don't you ? By idiot, I wasn't implying that cops weren't smart... just idiots on more of broad spectrum.

[hr]"What these slobs must go through?" That's quite insulting to both me and any other police officer. I come from a very affluent and "clean" family where my father is a corporate litigator and my mother a New York State Supreme Court judge. None of us are "slobs" by any means. I am a very honest, decent and hard working individual. Where do you get off calling me or any other cop a slob? It's quite ignorant to call someone a slob simply because of what they do for a living. Using your logic, the mailman is a "slob" for delivering the mail, and a firefighter would be a "slob" for putting out a fire.[hr]
for having a masters, you sure don't comprehend the concept of pointless name calling do you ? By calling you a slob, I could have just as easily called you a moron or a pig on a power trip... they are simply ways of expressing how I feel about cops by replacing the word "cop" with an equally offensive word. Now that you have had your lesson in name calling for the day, you can go out into the real world and use this knowledge. Remember, when someone calls you a pig, they don't mean that you are sloppy or live on a farm... they are simply expressing their distaste for "the man". The more you know.

[hr]Clearly, you have less than a child's understanding of the legal system and a very narrow-minded thinking process. Does a cop make the law? No. Does a cop enforce the law? Yes. Is it illegal to go "over seven miles an hour?" Yes. Is it harassment to enforce laws that already exist? No. Complain to your state legislator if you have a problem with existing laws.[hr]
Actually, my understanding of the legal system is quite good. My mother and aunt are both lawyers, and I studied law for a little over a year, before deciding that I would rather work as a graphics artist for game companies. I would even wager that my knowledge of the law far surpasses yours, as I have had the legal system drilled into me since I was only 10 years old. try again.

[hr]Learn how to present an effective and educated argument that isn't filled with pointless generalizations that can easily be disproven.[hr]
you have yet to disprove them. You have told me that you have a masters and that you bathe regularly... good arguement.

It is very unfortunate, but my opinions of police officers will NEVER change. I have seen corruption in law inforcement that you haven't even dreamed of... I have played golf with the chief of police, and watched him drive home afterwards completely drunk off his ass. I have known cops that were paid off by criminals to turn a blind eye to certain situations... My own father was shot in the arm by a rogue cop in the middle of a drug deal he was protecting. There are good cops out there, and you MAY be one of them... but there aren't many.

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