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tripledoublegs 11-12-2004 01:31 AM

just bought 36 sq ft of Fat Mat. I got it for 50 + shipping so I think its a pretty good deal. I was just wondering if its enough to do my front doors and my whole trunk or should I get more?? Thanks.

Ed 11-12-2004 03:43 AM

I <3 when people ask stuff after they buy things ;) But anyway, it should be enough for one or two layers. If you can, your best bet would be to go ahead and grab 100 sq. ft. You'll be able to get a couple layers, which I think is almost necessary. When you're going at your door, you might as well do a good thick job, so you don't have to mess with opening your door panel again. With 100 sq. ft, you won't have to worry about running out, and when you're done, it should be pretty easy to sell, if you included the tools, I'd buy some.

I just checked their site. The Fatmat Door kit is only 12 sq. feet total and the trunk kit calculates out to 22.5 sq. ft. Adding them up, it's 34.5 sq. ft, which is almost exactly how much you have coming.

It should be enough, but it's more cost effective to buy more :) and sell it to me.

PopcornPlaya 11-12-2004 07:59 AM

I used 100 sq feet in my trunk alone. Why didn't you buy the 100 sq ft. pack? It's $100 shipped from them. Plus, if you didn't need all of it, or didn't want all of it, you could cut it into pieces(36 in by the width) and sell it and make all of your money back.

gearbox 11-12-2004 08:43 AM

And don't worry, the tar smell will only be there for a year. Oh and it also has a tendency of falling off the metal over time (few months). Fatmat sucks :)

Mystic3030 11-12-2004 10:36 AM

^^ my fatmat hasnt fallen and its been in for over a year, and the tar smell went away after a month.

tripledoublegs 11-12-2004 01:31 PM

wait, so it smells like tar and falls off ?? WTF... all posts I read on this site said that its the same as dynamat. This sucks. Now I'm glad I didn't get 100sq ft

fonto 11-12-2004 02:00 PM

The fatmat in my car has been on for over a year as well (2 layers on trunk lid)...with no problems...and my trunk lid viberates with the best of them.

Now in my wifes car, the ish fell off in two months...but I didn't clean the surface like i was supposed this could be attributed to installation error :p

Mystic3030 11-12-2004 03:05 PM

Gearbox just didnt put it in right. Like I said, mine is fine, none of it is falling and it's been in for over a year. The smell goes away in a month, not a year like Gearbox says. I didnt even clean the metal like it says to, I just put it on. It IS a bit thinner and slightly less sticky that dynamat extreme, but its thicker than the original dynamat and plenty sticky if you get rid of air bubbles and such, just like you have to do with the dynamat. 11-12-2004 05:12 PM

A few weeks ago I put in 160sq feet of eDead... amazing stuff. They have a special 1$ a sq foot, i think they still have it.

PopcornPlaya 11-12-2004 06:34 PM

I have had fatmat in my vehicle for going on 2 years now, 200 plus square feet worth (I bought 300 sq feet and have about a roll and 1/3 left to install, which I'm too lazy to do cause it's a pain in the ass to do in car gymnastics to do.) Not the first piece looks any different than the overpriced pieces of dynamat that I have in there, which have been in there the same amount of time. The tar smell went away within 6 hours(I also have a layer of high density carpet padding in the floorboards). I left my windows down until I had to leave. I cleaned it as directed, and then applied it with a heat gun and an industrial wall paper roller (yeah, so I made it in highschool on the CNC machine for my mom cause she used to hang wallpaper on the side, bfd, it's all aluminum.) I have had zero problems with fatmat. It's all in how you install it, and whether you follow the instructions accurately.

soonercivic 11-12-2004 06:50 PM

I just put one layer on my doors the other night and one in my trunk lid. its been rainy and cold ever since so i havent been able to do more. so far it works great, im definetly gonna double it up though, its supposed to be 3 times more effective. i also plan on putting a few layers under the carpet. has anyone had any problems with panels fitting correctly after putting it on? i would like to know before going any further. i plan on finishing my trunk tomorrow. its also paintable so you dont need to have that shiny silver on the trunk lid unless you just like the way it looks. ive had dynamat before and so far i like the fatmat just as much if not more.

gearbox 11-12-2004 06:57 PM

Dynamat = sticks forever and NO smell

Fatmat = tar smell

Now I had the fatmat under hood like it is supposed to be used for, and after a few weeks it just peeled off despite a day of prep work. I used other glue and stuff to hold it on. Finally after a year I just ripped it out with alot of muscle and googone. Still stank like tar as I threw it in the trash.

Mystic3030 11-12-2004 08:41 PM

Maybe you got a bad batch or something...mine only smelled for like a month, and it sticks great.

EnProceso 11-12-2004 08:49 PM

i only did 1 layer in the door and 3 in the trunk. mine only smelled for about a week, i put mine in the summer and i always had my windows down so maybe it aired out faster. but it works, over a year and still sticks.

soonercivic 11-13-2004 12:15 AM

under the hood? when i got my fatmat box the instructions say dont put it under the hood and dont put it anywhere that exceeds 200 degrees. it reflects the heat back on the engine, and we all probably spend money trying to keep the engine warm. they sell a special mat for under the hood.

gearbox 11-13-2004 12:30 AM

That's the one I bought. It's basically a layer of fatmat and then a foam padding on top. Even the foam peeled off the fatmat. It was all a big mess.

PopcornPlaya 11-13-2004 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by gearbox
Dynamat = sticks forever and NO smell

Fatmat = tar smell

Now I had the fatmat under hood like it is supposed to be used for, and after a few weeks it just peeled off despite a day of prep work. I used other glue and stuff to hold it on. Finally after a year I just ripped it out with alot of muscle and googone. Still stank like tar as I threw it in the trash.

You say it has tar smell, yet everyone here that has used it, the tar smell is gone in a considerable amount of time. The dynamat I used actually smelled more tarry (yeah, I made a word up I think) smelled of tar longer than the fatmat. As for under the hood, yeah, why waste my time when I have a cf hood that I'm waiting to install. Maybe on it, who knows? Did you properly clean the surface (wash with a mild warm soap, let dry then use the fat mat wash that they include)? I'm not calling you a liar, cause you may have just gotten a bad batch. I've never, ever had a problem with mine. So long as you properly prep and install, there shouldn't be a problem. I also used my heat gun to evaporate the water that I couldn't see that may be there. Who knows?

Oh, and a word to the wise, when installing, just put it over the factory sound deadener stuff that's like a rubberized undercoating. Don't try yo remove that stuff, it's a bitch to do with a heat gun and chisel. I finally gave up on it after removing about a 1ft by 1ft area in about an hour and a half.

joescivic02 11-14-2004 04:48 PM

can somebody tell me how you put dynomat in just the trunk? i only want it in my trunk im not worried about anywhere else, thanks

PopcornPlaya 11-14-2004 10:30 PM

Follow the sound deadening DIY. That and there's another topic in here named "installing dynamat" or something like that. There's explainations in both of them. You might want to search for other, older topics dealing with this. Mat deadener is fairly straight forward to install. Find what you want deadened, cut the mat to fit, clean the area, roll on with wall paper roller, or something you can apply pressure with, wall paper roller seems to be common, and easiest to use/manipulate (with a heat gun optional).

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