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skiboard 10-02-2004 02:43 AM

Special D.I.Y. for burnhard88,
Sorry man not tryin to be a bitch but you are just writing too much on this forum and I get confused/tired of going through 10 pages of posts a day with nothing much on it. I know you are existed about getting to know us and want to share your thoughts but lets get this forum little bit more organized. I hope you understand that I dont mean anything bad :p oh yeah I love your screen BTW Burn Hard :evil:

burnhard88 10-02-2004 09:02 AM

i'm workin on it... lol... don't worry... i got told by about 6 other ppl... oh... thanks for the up on the screen name... :)... dig ur car hardcore... hehe... and i used the edit button... lol

EŽik 10-02-2004 10:17 AM


John thats some funny ish man!

Burn, yeah dude, your a cool guy, but them 3-4 back to back posts have to stop dude. If you wanna post whore, you should get a premium membership. Derek's only got soo much server space on the site :D

Lynk 10-02-2004 11:34 AM


That's an awesome picture dood!!!! I have a feeling it will become a clasic on this website!!

burnhard88 10-02-2004 01:37 PM

yes freddy... i feel that too

player 10-02-2004 01:40 PM

Word of advise burn, cool it down, because i was once BANNED from the site from whoring. and trust me, u will want to kill yourself when u cant access this site, its addictive :)

burnhard88 10-02-2004 02:17 PM

tru... im addicted to this more than maXbimmer... i might give up the civic tho shortly... to get an srt-4... it'd be 22,600 if i trade in my civic for a brand new, black srt-4... so mint... had a test drive in it today... thought i shit myself... was sooo nice

NoiSe 10-02-2004 02:34 PM

Bahahahaha!!! Sorry, but that's the funniest sh!t I've seen on this forum... LOL John u come up with the best pictures... first Mike's OC Transpo bus (LOL), now this.... omagahhh... hahaha

But umm.... Burn... SRT-4???!! It's a DODGE!! It's gonna die on you in 2 years....

Kick this guy out.... kick him out now... :D lol jk jk!!!

burnhard88 10-02-2004 03:30 PM

lol... naw... it won't die on me in 2 years... no way... been driving dodges since i can remember... never had a problem wit em... but this srt-4... oo man... pulls like a mofo

burnhard88 10-02-2004 03:31 PM

lol... naw... it won't die on me in 2 years... no way... been driving dodges since i can remember... never had a problem wit em... but this srt-4... oo man... pulls like a mofo... can someone take me for a day tutorial on their car to teach me standard??? :p... whoa... my bad for the double post... site stopped working on my comp

Karumba 10-02-2004 03:51 PM

:eek: He actually used the Edit button..

Now if he only learns what the Quick Delete button (located left of the Edit button) does. :moon:

SuperFishy 10-02-2004 03:54 PM

How on earth can you afford an srt-4? to make things worst its a turbo car, you'll push it to its limits and turn the boost up and bye bye your dodge reliablity, take it from me, my car breaks if i look at it funny. Alex's car was broken friday night, and so was mine.

burnhard88 10-02-2004 04:01 PM

well... it's not 100% official yet... but daymn... so beautiful... but could still anyone take me out for a day and teach me standard... :p

Lynk 10-02-2004 04:12 PM

sorry, don't really like to teach anyone how to drive standard on my car, nothing personal. What i did when i started learning standard, i went back to the driving school where i originally took my courses and took a course with a manual car.

By the way, how much would your insurance be if you had an SRT-4???

As for dodge i've had 2 in the past, a 92 shadow ES turbo, and 98 Stratus ES... Shadow was fun driving! but the boddy was starting to fall appart and the stratus :moon: :hithead: :yell: :nono: :_puke: :kick: never again... i can't even start naming all the problems i had with that car! It was pretty fast, i mean it had a big V6, but dayum... the last 6 months i had the car... or should i say didn't have the car, cause the garage had it more that i did... everything broke on that car!
So no more domestic cars for me...

skiboard 10-02-2004 04:19 PM

unless you are going for Viper, Say No To Dodge :D
I like how those new SRT-8 Touring Wagans look but um.. yeah...SRT-4 still is a NEON!! and will break down in couple years

burnhard88 10-02-2004 05:27 PM

meh... we'll see... i saw pics of the srt-8 being like a 300c... and making the 300c coupe or convertable... supposed to make the 300c have a 6.1 litre engine... pumpin out 425 hp, and i think either 450 or 475 lbs-ft of torque

SuperFishy 10-02-2004 06:23 PM

yea, personally i really like what dodge has done with its SRT line up. Any of them the srts are drool worthy. the normal cross fire sucks but the srt-6, 330hp? supercharged can't go wrong with that + its rwd. and the srt-8 6.1L hemi power, I'm pretty sure it might be faster than the all might cts-v, it even costs less. But still, insurance on a car like the srt-4 for a 16 year old without his G2 even could be pretty high.

NoiSe 10-02-2004 06:50 PM

man even if the insurance is gonna be under his mom's/dad's name, it's still gonna be high for a brand new srt-4...

and burn, honestly dood, don't do anything u may regret later... u know what u could make out of ur civic for 20 grand????!! ddaaymnnnn

Tofast4me 10-02-2004 09:40 PM

Burn honestly you need to learn to handle a car before going out and buying the srt-4. Learn to drive your civic. when I say learn I mean learn. You should know how to handle your civic first. Learn the basics like how to drive in the winter, in the rain things like that first. I have a friend of a friend who smashed up his viper cause he could not handle the horsepower. Start small then move on to bigger things. Guarenteed if you don't know how to handle the srt-4 that thing will own your ass in 2 months.

NoiSe 10-02-2004 10:05 PM

Kevin is *insert stupid remark here* :)
^ I agree... Plus you're only 16 man! And look where u're at right now. Not everyone gets to hang out with GenSeven at 16 u know..... :cool: :rofl: Take it ezy, u've got plenty of time to get a more powerful car


player 10-02-2004 10:29 PM

the SRT is an nice car if u dont mind the fact that its a neon. It is fast, but it handels like shit.

You are 16, you dont even have your g2, your driving experience is very low considering u have barely been driving, u cant even drive standerd.

i started out at 19, bought an auto slow car because i know my skills. till this day i know i wont be able to handel a fast car safely, despite all the autocoss and the practice i have been getting, but i am a long way from being a good driver.

then there is the issue of manual. learning manual is nice and easy once u get the hang of it, but controlling a fast car, while u r new to manual is difficult. the way to do it is to get experice on a slow car, and slowley upgrade to something faster. man u havent even driven in winter, wait till that and see how dangerous it can be.

i say keep the civic, learn on it, and upgrade later

burnhard88 10-03-2004 12:17 AM

oh i kno guys... lol... i can't even drive standard, yet alone handle an srt period... if my mom bought it, it'd prob sit in my garage for awhile... lol... but then again... if i did put $20,000 into my civic, that'd be mint as well... hmmm... someone make a list of what my car would be like with an extra 20 g's sunken into it... :p

SuperFishy 10-03-2004 12:32 AM

It'd be as fast as my car :P lol no, i got my ass handed to me by a turbo civic. b16a engine swap with a mean turbo can't remember but it was all done by evolution in gatineau, car runs 13.5 and all this roughly cost him 10,000$. 20,000$ into your civic i'd better hope it'd be low 13s (this is considering you go the hp route over the body kit route), 12s on slicks who knows, fwd is a pretty limiting factor when it comes to drag racing.

burnhard88 10-03-2004 01:35 AM

tru... very tru... and i assume that's with a manual tranny... :(

norek 10-03-2004 06:50 AM

my plan is to wait until my warranty is up on my car, then for something serious to happen to engine (maybe even tranny), then I'm gona slap in another engine! I can't wait!!

burnhard88 10-03-2004 09:13 AM

niiice... anyone wanna cruize to the auto-x???

NoiSe 10-03-2004 11:05 AM

for 20 grand your car would look something like this, and would probably give Kevin and his WRX a

btw, this is one of my buddy's from Carleton Place car

oh yes, and I know that it's riced to hell.... :D

Si2NV 10-03-2004 11:49 AM are the MAN!

burnhard88 10-03-2004 12:51 PM

i love that colour... wouldn't want the decals on it... would have a different wing... i like the interior... wonder what the specs r on da car???

SuperFishy 10-03-2004 05:27 PM

bah it doesnt even have a turbo. 20gs better get you more than a body kit. Is that a fish i see on the hood too?

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