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abmerop18 05-10-2004 07:15 PM

Originally posted by truehonda

hahaha :rofl:

opto_isolator 05-10-2004 08:21 PM

What's my sig say? What? I thought you guys didn't mind waiting? If I remember correctly about 2 or 3 pages ago the favorite saying was "oh, you're just being impatient." What goes around comes around guys...

dragoon 05-10-2004 08:34 PM

I'm very tempted to say that I want my money back. Personally my patience with SF is running thin.

However, Eddie's customer service is top notch, and believe me, the 3 grand I get back if I refund the SF kit will be going right back to Eddie for other products in the near future.

slowciv 05-10-2004 08:50 PM

i didnt say anything, like i said i have been checking to see anything but still jack shit! it"s annoying that they have yet to say anything and ignore eddie's phone calls.. i havn't seen catalyst post anything in sometime. just wish they would tell us whats up. i want my money back but id rather have the kit, waited this long and eddie is the middle man, sucks for him cause it isnt his fault.. i wish they were local cause i would give them hell

RedDragon333 05-10-2004 10:07 PM

Originally posted by dragoon
I'm very tempted to say that I want my money back. Personally my patience with SF is running thin.

However, Eddie's customer service is top notch, and believe me, the 3 grand I get back if I refund the SF kit will be going right back to Eddie for other products in the near future.

Hell yea.

Havok2k1 05-10-2004 10:29 PM

Let's keep this thread for updates on the GB for TrueHonda, not to voice opinions on SF....

truehonda 05-10-2004 10:32 PM

Good idea Havok21, very good idea. Its good to vent, but the more people get pissed, the more the "pissed mob effect" happens.

If I hear nothing for a while, then I will fly down there myself!!

truehonda 05-10-2004 10:33 PM


can someone find Josh Robbins, because he owes money for his kit. He is the only one who got it and isnt paying me the money he owes!!! :( I really would like to get a hold of him and see how his kit is doing. He lives in California too by SF so if I get no payment from him then I have two reasons to go downt there.


dragoon 05-10-2004 10:50 PM

Yeah please just the truehonda people only. I know everyone who's got gripes about SF loves to voice their opinions, but please keep it out of here. The thread's already filled with clutter.

rofl pissed mob... don't you mean pissed bandwagon? I can name a few other bandwagons on this site :rofl: j/k

truehonda 05-10-2004 11:39 PM

caugh cough DH.... Yea, well people work like that its ok. I just try to forget it when I see it.

JetBlu01 05-11-2004 02:50 AM

Originally posted by Havok2k1
Let's keep this thread for updates on the GB for TrueHonda, not to voice opinions on SF....
werd :nono:

truehonda 05-11-2004 02:56 AM


I want that kit in your hands now!!! I am so pissed, it will be war if I cant get in touch tomorrow!


RedDragon333 05-11-2004 12:48 PM

I want a kit in my hands as well lol

player1002 05-11-2004 03:30 PM

If I don't get anything in my inbox by the end of today I'll give Mike another call tomarrow (if he picks up) and see what his new excuse is.

dragoon 05-12-2004 09:17 AM

I wonder what it'll be this time?

opto_isolator 05-12-2004 10:47 AM

Anyone seen catalyst lately? He hasn't been active according to his profile for the past 2 weeks! Hasn't posted since the 9th of April....I am starting to get get worried here...

truehonda 05-12-2004 01:01 PM

Me too, He hasnt picked up phone for two weeks.

I swear, if they fled, I so dont want to have a hit squad from this site come. Ive seen it happen before on Honda-tech-- so Mike if your reading this, pick the freakin phone up!!


truehonda 05-12-2004 01:08 PM

Mike if you look, your info is found on

Mike G. Stafford

Just to let you know :)



JetBlu01 05-12-2004 03:08 PM

where in Cali is SF located....what city?

truehonda 05-12-2004 04:37 PM

Lancaster, CA

RedDragon333 05-12-2004 09:51 PM

this is ghetto.....guys(SF) we need some updates.

civic01vtec 05-12-2004 09:53 PM

Originally posted by truehonda
Mike if you look, your info is found on

Mike G. Stafford

Just to let you know :)



Own3d :rofl:

JetBlu01 05-13-2004 01:22 AM

Originally posted by truehonda
Lancaster, CA
thanx...I have relatives in Cali and I'm going to call them up and see if they can drop by and pick up my kit for me...I'll let u guys know what happens but I've kept my quiet but now its getting ridiculous...Its gotten to the point, I'm tired of driving my car b/c its SLOOOOOW :shake:

slowciv 05-13-2004 02:22 AM

IM willing to take a drive with some of my friends down to sf!! lol

opto_isolator 05-13-2004 10:26 AM

Originally posted by slowciv
IM willing to take a drive with some of my friends down to sf!! lol
Go for it - I'd be interested to know how much work actually goes on there. I remember hearing a few times on here that people would stop by the shop, and they would be just goofing off - not really working. I am really, truly curious to know why they keep coming up with different excuses. After I just shipped my old, crappy manifold back - I emailed them and asked what the update was on my new one. They claimed to have found a new stainless flange and were welding it on - that was about a week ago. I was told that the flange was the only thing holding them up - once again I am in doubt.....

RedDragon333 05-13-2004 12:49 PM

maybe someone else should try calling them and seeing what the deal is?

dragoon 05-13-2004 01:06 PM

I think we all should get a certified letter (from a lawyer) sent to SF stating that if we don't get our kits after a certain date, they owe us all a full refund, and some compensation to Eddie for lost profits. I suggest giving them a 4-6 week deadline from now, since that was their original timeframe, which passed a couple months ago.

slowciv 05-13-2004 01:07 PM

if i go down im getting answers and my kit!! we will see what happens put some money togethar and get some friends.. if i dont get shit im goin to put catalyst in a wheel chair, get some friends who like to give ass kicking's LOL!! i just want my kit im sick of waiting and my dad is getting pissed cause i still dont have it.. got to do somethin soon

MadWheel 05-13-2004 01:13 PM

well i called yesterday and today, and i had no idea all you guys have been waiting for a response, my switch for my alcy injection died when i was at 9.5psi and i almost blew my motor! my sparkplugs were destroyed and the bolts that hold the exhaust were blown loose...

truehonda 05-13-2004 01:19 PM

Ok I am calling and leaving a message for Mike at Stafford reguarding law enforement. I am sick of this BS and I dotn want to get screwed just like you guys dont. If I dont find out soon, then the lawyer will have to be used.

2. Josh Robbins, the only person who picked up the kit, is now not active on the board and does not respond to my phone calls or emails becuase he owes me money. If anyone knows him or knows his address please let me know. He said he would pick up the kit and never provided an address. He is a stand up guy and I would not like to see him fall down the shithole in my eyes.


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