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gearbox 04-22-2004 08:28 PM

Ban DH-racing?
There are a growing number of members here who have been disappointed with products and services received from DH-racing. Their recent attitude towards the 7thgen community is rediculous, and Josh has been on the forums fooling everybody from the very start.

I am one of the most understanding and friendly members on the site, always trying to post DIY stuff and other help. I personally think this has gone on far enough. We should have been listening to our friends here when they warned us of the problems.

Well I'm sure you've all seen the posts all over this site. The company makes false claims of their products and fails to deliver product in a timely manner. I'm sure there are plenty of other vendor rules they have broken here.

The company has sold numerous defective products to members and offered no compensation. They would not even give me a refund after a professional mechanic failed to install their crank pulley, because it was obviously designed for a different model car. Many other members are in the same position. Melissa installed a cylinder head ported by DH-racing only to find out later that metal shavings destroyed her car and cost $1000 in damages. Prod received his motor in such terrible shape, it could not be installed. He had to fight and argue with the company and post threats of a lawsuit before a refund was given.

This will continue to happen unless we put a stop to this. I am normally not one to post something this drastic, but I finally realize what's going on here.

GreenNVicious 04-22-2004 08:32 PM

Damn, i HATE deadbeat sellers, I hated Circa, but I thought that was the first and last of them

runner1738 04-22-2004 08:35 PM

the only reason ill say dont ban him is because that sounds the best way to contact him is through pms cause he never answers his phone or whatever, so i say only keep them so they can keep answering the ines they need to

Ershall 04-22-2004 08:37 PM

^^get a load of this guy, he has a phone and you have his make me sick.....HELL YES BAN THEM.

civic01vtec 04-22-2004 08:40 PM

Re: Ban DH-racing?

Originally posted by gearbox
We should have been listening to our friends here when they warned us of the problems.

lol.....i told you so :D

guns 04-22-2004 08:41 PM

Unless he gets a full refund just like you guys are asking I say no.

People here are adults and can make their own choices to buy or not.

If you are going to ban DH than you better ban other venders also.

gearbox 04-22-2004 08:47 PM

I am NOT getting a refund. Josh told me the pulley works fine, and that I'm crazy for not being able to install it.

The other vendors on this site are awesome--just look at their feedback. Eddie from Truehonda is getting ready to cut off DH from their product line. Catalyst from SF said he can no longer vouch for the company as well.

GreenNVicious 04-22-2004 08:52 PM

Did you personally see that it didnt fit, or did you take the mechanics word for it?

kileryoyo 04-22-2004 09:11 PM

I am going to file a law suit soon for all of the people who got screwed on the pulley. Does anyoone have updated intell on Josh? las vegas address or anything?

GreenNVicious 04-22-2004 10:03 PM

I hope The Punisher comes after DH Racing

gearbox 04-22-2004 10:14 PM

I was watching the mechanic try the install. He said see, it just won't go over the crank. He even tries to lightly hammer it on, but after a few tries...we realized it just wasn't working. And he was afraid something was gonna break.

I feel worse for the other people who had to pay lots of $$ to fix their car because of something DH caused with their sloppy work. Someone already has the ported head installed on a stock motor and says the car got noisier, but the car didn't get that much faster. I'm thinking mine is gonna be the same way. No 30+whp like Josh promised.

gearbox 04-22-2004 10:19 PM

Here is what Josh thinks about us:

The real unthusiasts who know about racing and what comes with it will stick around, not the kids who sit and bitch about nothing because they don't have the money to make real power, or on top of that can't turn a bolt themselves, if you want to race be prepared for what comes with it, don't give up over nothing and expect a refund because you believe everything your told. Post all you want Im not coming on here anymore, so I wont see it, PM ME for thos whose want good parts, everyone else have fun bitching at everyone who HAS fast cars. I'll sit back doing what I love and picking whether I want to run my 13 second CRX or my 11 second turbo B16. What a joke

Ershall 04-22-2004 11:56 PM

There ya go, in his own words "what a joke".....we're a joke....

guns 04-23-2004 12:30 AM

That is what people said about KMS. But I still see people(me included) buying the KMS blockguard. I bet if KMS made a fuel rail, people here would line up for one.

Ershall 04-23-2004 10:05 AM

meaning? You can't stop people from throwing their money into a non-sure thing because they are willing to take the risk for cheap performance....what's your point?

It's not like he can't still sell DH pieces of shit on

bobbyd 04-23-2004 01:10 PM

Re: Ban DH-racing?

Originally posted by gearbox

We should have been listening to our friends here when they warned us of the problems.

I told you all too. :D

I also warned of the KMS thing as well. :_doh:

88AccordDX 04-23-2004 01:18 PM

I've seen what Prod had to go through. The pictures he took didnt seem like his motor half bad but I didnt know what the difference was between a well-made motor and a shitty one like DH made.

Now that I've seen all this stuff going on, I'll never buy from DH... I dont know about banning them, I'll just boycott them so they dont get business.

But if worse comes to worst, I'm sure they'll get banned anyway.

hustlelikem0fo 04-23-2004 10:01 PM

Originally posted by 88AccordDX
I've seen what Prod had to go through.
For real. Luckily he got his money back. For all this hassle/nerves spent/time wasted DHRacing should not only refund Prod the money for the motor liek they did but also give him an extra benjamin for the troubles they caused for him.

Ershall 04-24-2004 10:52 AM

^^not gonna happen. Something that may have been more likely to happen would be credit for DH's products...but what good is that? if you get enough credit, you can buy one of DH's POS products and resell it to make like 50% of the credit....but DH doesn't care THAT much about pleasing their customers....regardless, Prod got a refund and Prod was satisfied so that was settled.

Ershall 04-24-2004 11:49 AM

Originally posted by guns
Unless he gets a full refund just like you guys are asking I say no.

People here are adults and can make their own choices to buy or not.

If you are going to ban DH than you better ban other venders also.

What are you talking about? Have the other vendors mislead is any way? If so, give me a case which supports your argument.

The issue here is not that we are reluctant to put on the pulley (some of us are and some of us aren't). The issue here is the following quote from

"These pulleys are for the racer that wants an edge over his competition. They are big power gainers and are easy to take on an off will install in five minutes anyone can do it. Expect to gain as much as 20 whp dyno proven."

If your response to that is that most of these people bought the pulleys from the group buy, not the website then you can shut up before you open your mouth and read the group buy title:

Dyno proven by an 1999 Acura Integra type-R....which has absolutely nothing to do with the D17. Therefore, the proof is bullshit and it is irrelevent what this pulley does for an integra...we don't drive fuggin integras last time I checked. No actualy proof and not actually dyno proven as we were led to believe....they were misled.

Estimated Installation was listed at "5 minutes". Josh himself put 2 or 3 on in Vegas and it took him an hour.....the man who tested the part requires an hour to install it and we'll refer to him as the expert since he has installed it multiple times (at least an expert compared to the rest of the's obvious that he has the most experience in that neighborhood). Seeing as how about 80% of the members on here did not realize that the install would require them to cut the timing cover and every mechanic (spare one) that they have encountered is not willing to put the pulley on, they were misled to thinking the install easy for your average day joe....NOT easy for Josh. Therefore, the install does NOT take 5 will most likely take a few hours and Josh didn't mention this.....misleading customers = refund. Josh is not giving them a refund because the pulley works. It working is not the issue...the fact that they can't get it on to have it work is the issue.....they diserve a refund and if DH isn't going to give them one, then DH needs to have its vendorship revoked, be banned from the site, etc.

Guns, where do you get off criticizing us for not doing it ourselves? I realize that you think that everyone should install the pulley themselves....that's nice, but its our choice not yours. Just because you are willing to risk damaging your engine to get a promised gain doesn't mean that we are. Some of us aren't experiencing with these DIY-type installations and would rather have a mechanic who is more comfortable with our cars install the pulley, and there is nothing wrong with that. What happens if decide to put it in ourselves and f*ck something up? We're out more money than we were before and out of our ride to work/school/anywhere we want to go and this could ahve been prevented if Josh would have said that we all had to drive to Vegas to have him install it. Who do you think you are? Get off of your high horse and take note of the facts as they follow.

Josh should be banned because his "I'm here to help you guys" attitude changed to an "I don't care whether or not you people want your money back, stop whining because my car is faster than yours" attitude. He acted childish and when I made everyone realize that he based all his marketing on DH's records and the fact that HE would use his own product to defend himself he tucked and ran....something which he said would never happen on multiple occasions. He misled everyone who bought a pulley and if they don't want to risk the install, then they diserve a refund..plain and simple (this is the common practice of customer service and is how business should be done; reference Rob, Eddie, Dezod, etc. to take notes of how to handle clients and how to make them happy).

This is the issue. The fact that you installed your own SF kit and your own pulley are irrelevent here. After all, your pulley wasn't a DH pulley, so they are not compareable because yours most likely fit. If the pulley fit like it should than there wouldn't be much of a problem. So, pull your nose out of Josh's ass, get a new hero, and get off of all of our asses....

Some of us were reluctant when considering buying products from DH, and some of us jumped on a claim of quick, cheap speed at a low cost with an easy install (hey, most of us would, the pulley sounded great -- Josh made it sound like a fool proof install that took a few minutes and that you could have a monkey perform with a hammer and a banana). When we realized the reality of the pulley...IE, it wasn't tested correctly, it wasn't made for street use, it didn't F*CKING fit, and there was no relevent proof as was was too late...the pulleys had arrived and everyone was waiting for the spacers. After like a month of waiting for spacers and hearing that they had gotten mailed four times (excuses, excuses, and more excuses) customers got discouraged, felt f*cked over, and wanted a refund...and they diserve it.

The only way to show Josh that such action will not be tolerated here is to ban him and Dave Hickman's asses. Josh thinks we're all jealous of him and "a joke." And Dave had the nerve to say "F*CK 7THGEN" when an dirty engine was shipped out. Are these the caliber of people we want on this site? I think not.

List your DIY installations so that I can list the links to the DIY thread for each. DH's pulley did not come furnished with any such DIY with was not properly R&D and the only installation quote, post-group buy, that I have seen is "5 minute installation."

Make your decision wisely folks. Vote according to how you feel about DH but know that they have screwed alot of 7thgeners over and they are not sorry and are not willing to undo their wrong.

Ershall 04-24-2004 12:04 PM

This the current Vendor Disclaimer:

As far as I can see, DH violated the following portion of the vendor disclaimor twice everytime a 7thgener purchased a crank pulley:

i. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver simply to make the sale.

They promised a dyno proven 20whp for the D17 and they cannot provide this proof.

They said the installation would take 5 minutes and it does not. The pulley does not even fit in the crank without modification.

The only logical reason that I can think of to post such information about a product is to sell it....and sell them they did. But now people are feeling misled and are demanding emails. They must have over 20 violations of the vendor disclaimor. Therefore, the penalty is as follows:

Failure to comply with the above will result in the following, in the following order:

1st offense: Warning
2nd offense: Suspension of Vendors License for a period of time determined by Administrator.
3rd offense: Loss of Vendors license and forfeiture of fees paid for license.

Please Note : Action will only be taken if the Vendor is deemed to be at fault by the Administrator team. This is something we take very seriously and we assure that you will not be unfairly treated. The goal is to keep the best interests of the community in mind.
If there are problems being looked into by the Administration team with regards to you and your business, notification will be sent immediately in the form of a PM or email.

This must be brought to the administration team's attention as action is needed.

gearbox 04-25-2004 09:27 AM

He also misled us by saying the pulley is perfectly safe. Well the DH pulley does not have a harmonic dampener, and is therefore unsafe for street use. He deliberately sold 30 or more of us a product that will damage the engine or worse. All so he can make close to $5000 from all of us. If that's not grounds for banning, I don't know what is.

CircaX was banned for MUCH less.

gearbox 04-25-2004 09:31 AM

Violations of the disclaimer: (he basically violated almost all of them):

i. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver simply to make the sale.

ii. Keep in contact with them about the status of their payment/purchase

iv. Keep your threads updated and try to reply to questions/concerns raised by members

Be as timely as possible with delivery of merchandise once paid for by the buyer. This is perhaps the most important rule.
i.It’s expected that merchandise be shipped ASAP once payment has been received.

Even worse, he sold all of us a pulley that is UNSAFE for street use, yet will not give anyone a refund. He has stopped posting in the forums about our concerns and thinks we are a joke now.

Derek-CEO 04-25-2004 10:29 AM

1 and 2 are already done and looks like 3 will be coming soon.

Dave email and MSN
Josh email and MSN

Ershall 04-25-2004 03:28 PM

Originally posted by gearbox
Bye bye Josh...

Thank you Derek.

bickford05 05-13-2004 07:51 AM

haha good

rscivic 05-26-2004 04:59 AM

All I am going to say is that it really sucks that DH had to all come into our lives and make it hard to trust vendors, hell I had to get a lawyer now to settle my problem. I voted YES on the ban, I am not someone who wants to deal with this companies ineptness (is that a word?) and none of us should.
Ban them permanently IMO- not a company that is worthy of US as their customers, you know people who are used to receiving decent service and the company knowing that they work for US not the other way around. It took a lot of pushing for me to even post about my problem b/c I think it is a waste of time but now, we all need to know what is going on and congrats to those who had a decent experience..... wish I were you......

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