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awdcivic2 09-05-2013 02:07 PM

flywheel wth?
I took my flywheel to be resurfaced on my 02si and to my knowledge flywheels are supposed to be smooth?
Well i picked it up and the cut half semi circle grooves all the way around like from the inside to the outside where the clutch touches like from the inner part to the outter part it has a parentesis ) type grove going all around but the grooving is uniform all the way around. Its not smooth at all and the machinist told me it was supposed to be grooved like this so the clutch has something to grab onto. Should I take my flywheel back off and take it and have them resurface it smooth?
Ive never heard of this and google shows nothing about this, im annoyed.

ezone 09-05-2013 05:36 PM

Re: flywheel wth?
Honda states in the service manual: Resurfacing the flywheel is not recommended.

(That was copied and pasted from the Honda website.)


I can't tell you if what you see is good or bad. I can't measure the depth of the grooves and such.

That said, the average lathe type machining process does leave fine grooves exactly as you described.
Ever seen a brake rotor freshly machined on a lathe? Same deal.

Normal wear will make the surface smoother.

sdaidoji 09-06-2013 08:33 PM

Re: flywheel wth?
the clutch will smooth it out if it's not deep? can you even feel with your fingers?

awdcivic2 09-11-2013 10:03 PM

Re: flywheel wth?
thanks sd
I could actually feel it slightly with my fingers. I took it back and they said thats the only way there machine does it and nobodys ever had a problem so i just threw it on. seems to be alright, seems to shudder more at low rpms as in under 1k but im not sure its been a while since i took it apart.

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