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Chico83 02-02-2003 04:03 AM

Windows tint
Hey guys, I was wondering how much is a reasonable price for windows tint (I own a coupe and I want to get my back and rear seat windows tinted and maybe the front seat windows). Also if anyone has any suggestions of where or who does a good job in windows tint I would gladly appreciate it.

Thanks [IMG]i/expressions/beer_yum.gif[/IMG]:tup:[IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/IMG]


Chico83 02-02-2003 04:20 AM

I was also wondering if anyone knows where in Vancity or near I can buy Xenon sideskirts and around how much they are for. Thanks

murd0c 02-02-2003 04:24 AM

theres a place by Surrey city hall called Craigs car care they do a awsome job just a small shop Craig tinted all 5 of my windows $130 20% back 3 and 50% driver and passanger side, he uses the best tint so it won't turn purple and has a life time warrenty!! if you go to a big shop you don't know what u might get there the owner does all the work!

murd0c 02-02-2003 04:25 AM

about the side skirts try excess performance they have a 01 civic with the Xenon body kit!

Oishi 02-02-2003 02:09 PM

is that with tax? coz it seems like a good price...great if its with tax...

murd0c 02-02-2003 02:11 PM

thats with cash if u pay tax

murd0c 02-02-2003 02:13 PM

that was kind of messed up my bad thats with tax if u pay casj

money9 02-02-2003 11:39 PM


Hey MurdOc,

Let me get this right, $130 for all 5 windows tinted??? :eek:

Give me directions or cross roads, I have no idea where City Hall is in Surrey, but I am going next paycheque.

Let me know.


murd0c 02-03-2003 12:17 AM

Ya thats right pretty good deal I thinkl, he only usually goes that low if he kind of has a group buy I guess you can say he tinted the back 3 $100 and front 2 $15 each who ever wants there windows tinted let me know I will call him and make sure he will still give that price!! I got mine tinted last summer let me know who wants there windows tinted!! if your not sure about the quality you can always look at my car!! it's called Craig's car care


Chico83 02-03-2003 01:20 AM

Very good price !! Thanks murdoc for the info. Group buy anyone? :)

money9 02-03-2003 09:44 AM



I am in!

Murd0C, I would love to see what the tint looks like. You got any pics on the site? If not no worries, we can just meet up, we are pretty close to one another!



Oishi 02-03-2003 01:20 PM

i want my windows tinted....but not at the moment...probably next month..:cry:

dspirit79 02-03-2003 07:28 PM

I had a guy who came to my house to do the tint on my car and my brother's car. 3 Windows 20% tint. $90. Guaranteed never to bubble or he'll fix it free.

murd0c 02-03-2003 07:59 PM

I everyone who wants the windows tinted now or in a couple of months Pm me let me know and I will give the guy a call

Oishi 02-04-2003 12:35 AM

[hr]Originally posted by: dspirit79
I had a guy who came to my house to do the tint on my car and my brother's car. 3 Windows 20% tint. $90. Guaranteed never to bubble or he'll fix it free.[hr]
sounds like a better deal...any gb on this? will the price drop some more for a gb?

money9 02-04-2003 09:45 AM



I am in for sure, I want all 5 done, not just 3.


dspirit79 02-04-2003 02:23 PM

I'm sure he'll do a group buy. And he'll do as many windows as you guys want.

Just remember, if you get pulled over for a VI the cops will get you to remove the tints in the front 2 windows and the windshield. It's illegal. Tints are not supposed to be higher than shoulder height in the front 2 windows. But it's up to you. I just wanna warn you guys. One of my club members was pulled over and wuz forced to remove the windshield tint. It was barely noticable and they still made him pull it off. [IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-nono.gif[/IMG]

avanti99 02-04-2003 03:34 PM

hey, i went down and he quoted me $185 + plus tax for all 5 windows, shiet, it's not $130, focking liar!!!!

money9 02-04-2003 03:39 PM


Dspirit, so he did $90 for the back 3 windows??? How much for the back and two fronts. I am not really worried about the VI, if they tell me to pull it off, I will but until then [IMG]i/expressions/demon.gif[/IMG]

Get me a price, I wanna do it, but of course I want the best price.


You need to read a little better before you go to a store and demand a price:

[hr]Ya thats right pretty good deal I thinkl, he only usually goes that low if he kind of has a group buy [hr]


avanti99 02-04-2003 03:53 PM

sorry money9, but am i missing something???

money9 02-04-2003 04:52 PM


Not tying to be an ass, I was simply trying to point out that he said the tinting would be $130 as a group buy, not if you were to go in there yourself.



avanti99 02-04-2003 05:00 PM

yeah, well, that was his price for a group of 5 ppl or more! he usually does it for $225 but he'll do it for $185 as a group buy! and money9, there's no point in tinting your piece a shiet car...just wanted to point that out to you...

murd0c 02-04-2003 07:52 PM

avanti99 did u go down to Craigs car care? like I said above I need to CALL him first damm don't people listen!!!

money9 02-04-2003 08:09 PM



You clearly didn't read my above post where I stated I wasn't trying to be an ass, but you apparently don't like helpful critisism.

You appear to have some hositility to you! Why don't you go and rub one out like you probably do every Friday and Saturday night, and leave this board to people who really don't need to waste their time on you.

:_doh: [IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-nono.gif[/IMG][IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-nono.gif[/IMG][IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-nono.gif[/IMG]

avanti99 02-05-2003 09:21 AM

ok mr. money9, why don't you put a colorful sock in it! you are so focking c-2-pid, and that goes for you too murd0c, you guys don't have focking who i am, so if I was you, i'd be careful! lets just say i know more about you than you might know about urself...

money9 02-05-2003 09:47 AM


Who is this guy :susp::susp::susp:

avanti99 02-05-2003 10:03 AM

well buddy, i know who you are, does jon sound familiar?

avanti99 02-05-2003 11:23 AM

hey, money9, u wanna meet in surrey? i'll be coming down with a few buds, maybe we can meet and settle this issue we have? what's ur address? phone number? maybe we can go out and have a beer?

money9 02-05-2003 12:29 PM


Sorry Jon, you don't sound familiar. I have no idea who you are and think you ahve me confused with someone else.

I am not quite sure what your problem is. I responded to the defense of another person on this board, Murd0c (have not met him, but a nice person in PM'ing back and forth). He simply was trying to get some local people a good deal on tinting, and you jumped all over him when you didn't get the price you wanted.

You then respond back to my helpful criticism with a rude and sarcastic remark regarding my car, unfortunately my Irish temper got the best of me in my response to you.

You now wish to escalate this issue to me meeting you and settling it with you in person. If it is a fight you are looking for go back to the playground or go to a bar.

I did not post on this topic with every intention of starting a fight such as yourself.

I have really had enough of this whole topic and this will be my last post on the issue.


avanti99 02-05-2003 12:44 PM

don't worry about it, it's all good, i'll let it slide this time :-)

rkotlowski 02-05-2003 01:44 PM

Some people's kid's !!!:_doh:

avanti99 02-05-2003 02:50 PM

u f*&king pus-c!!!!!!!!!!!


rkotlowski 02-05-2003 05:09 PM

Do you have nothing better to do with your time then to talk sh$! to people on a civic forum. Your a classy guy!

murd0c 02-05-2003 10:43 PM

avanti99 if your on here to be a JERK get off!! u just joined we don't want u on here why don't u take your 1903 civic back to hastings and smoke some crack with your family down there!!!!

dspirit79 02-06-2003 02:45 PM

I agree! Ur attitude stinks. Murd0c is an awesome guy and so is money9. They've been on this board helping people all the time. If Ur going to remain hostile then just get outta here. Ur not welcomed.

money9 02-06-2003 03:46 PM



Thanks for the compliment, I think it is great to see the people who are genuinly interested in their cars on here come forward at the defense of others.

Thanks again to everyone, hopefully we can rid this board of any further slander and keep it enjoyable for everyone to use.

Cheers to everyone!


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