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flip114 11-30-2003 12:36 PM

BYE BYE Davis and JYD...Raptors Trade
if Ya haven't heard, Toronto Raptors traded Antonio Davis, Jerome William and Chirs Jeffries to the Chicago Bulls for Jalen Rose, Lonny Baxter and Donyelll Marshall. :shake:
Davis and JYD were really good players when they were playing at their best, now with Davis gone, we have no inside presence or "big man". JYD can't crash the boards or do his funny faces. I like Jalen Rose, another scorer, but the other players we got are just doo doo, Marshall is too Old, Baxter to fragile. :flush:

What do u guys think?

MSoft 11-30-2003 12:43 PM

Well, the way they see it, Davis wasn't doing enough as the big man as it was. Jerome Moiso is supposed to fill in on that spot. Albeit he's not nearly as big, when the big ones come (Tim Duncan, O'neil, etc) there's no stopping them anyway, so Raptors want to go with a smaller offensive lineup, since they are so defensive now already.

AznSaint 11-30-2003 03:36 PM

in one sense.. it's a good trade, in another, it wasnt.

we need a big man pressence, like davis to beat the western conference team if we ever make it to the finals.

but as that toronto is in the eastern conference... we dont really need a big man. you can make the playoffs... and even to the finals without a big man.
ex... the new jersey nets. they still have a big man, but it's definitely no match to the western conference teams...
ex. L.A. dallas. san antonio... houston - yao ming. haha.. but he's not really a big factor still. but an amazing shooter., imo, i would of definitely keep davis and jyd. but i guess into order to get a talent as rose, you gatta do what you gatta do to get it, as long as it doesnt hurt the team.

and at the moment.. it doesnt really hurt the team as toronto is in the eastern conference. and since carter hurt himself tripping over his own feet yesterday... with his knee bruised up. i'd say would need someone like rose to pick up the slack. since carter will probably be out again.. as he's injury prone.
i really hate that cry baby. even though he's supposedly the francise player

guamcivic2k1 11-30-2003 03:39 PM

i think it's a good trade

Bluelle 11-30-2003 07:43 PM

i think its an amazing trade.....AD wasnt playing too well...cuz i figure he knew he was gonna get traded anyway.....Chriss jeffires was injured anyway so it wasnt a factor...but ill miss JYD....he was the spark of the team...he hyped up the crowd........too me i think jalen is sick....and Marshall will be good off the glass....

in all i think we should have traded Milt Palacio cuz he just plane SUX!!!!...and trade Bateer....he just stands there lost as hell....not knowing what to do......

flip114 11-30-2003 10:21 PM

I hear Jalen Rose is a BALL- HOG!!, and since all of our plays are made for Carter, the Raptors are gonna have to make up plays for both Jalen Rose and Carter, I HOPE they Share.

Now WHO's our center? we have to many forwards, but only one DECENT center that "guy" who played during the Hawks game, if he gets injured then what?

RW_Blaze 11-30-2003 10:51 PM

doynell marshall is a good presence underneath.. as i recall.. raptors are always beat in the post game when we are against bulls due to doynell's domination... i think it was a wickid trade... davis juss don't have the dominating presence down low no more...

AznSaint 11-30-2003 11:25 PM

who we really need to get rid of is
montross and that other useless player that we have.
who's making at least 3million each as a practice player.

who was that other guy that was paid at least five million dollars a year being a freaking bench warmer....

stewart..... yoggie? yoggy stewart... i think that was his name.
what a waste of money.

if you think of it... glen flocks the money around on useless players.

FaiJai 11-30-2003 11:44 PM

Montross retired guy because of foot problems. we really need a center but since we gots lots of depth underneath i think we'll do find, but i would have to agree Bluelle, some guys just don't have a freakin idea what to do downlow.

Hey Bluelle, personally i think trading Milt Palacio wouldn't be a smart thing to do since Alvin isn't 100% yet. Palacio's got that Payton thing where he drives to the basket agressively.

Bluelle 12-01-2003 12:01 AM

Originally posted by FaiJai
Montross retired guy because of foot problems. we really need a center but since we gots lots of depth underneath i think we'll do find, but i would have to agree Bluelle, some guys just don't have a freakin idea what to do downlow.

Hey Bluelle, personally i think trading Milt Palacio wouldn't be a smart thing to do since Alvin isn't 100% yet. Palacio's got that Payton thing where he drives to the basket agressively.

so true...about Palacio...i think he sux though......i still think we should trade him for a better point guard at least...hes garbage........hes 8 for his last 39......thats horrible....but if we cant find a guard....i guess we should stick with him

AznSaint 12-01-2003 12:20 AM

toronto wouldnt be able to trade him for a better point guard.
i'd say get rid of those useless high price bench warmers.

and go on a bidding war for steve nash when he becomes a free agent.

what's his name... dallas's owner... hope toronto offers steve nash a rediculous contract so that the dallas owner cant match it. haha

but i doubt it... he'll spend whatever money it takes.

i'd say another two years b4 toronto is actually a good contender to even make it back to the eastern conference finals.

they were lucky that they even made it that far the last time... when they lost to philly

AznSaint 12-01-2003 12:22 AM

now to think of it, that was a long a s s while ago.

MSoft 12-01-2003 03:55 PM

Yoggie Stewart was traded long ago.

What Raptors would probably do in the near future is get rid of Mo Pete and Moiso for an effective forward plus a grunt to offset the player #. Anyhow, I'm sure they'll keep Curry and Lamond Murray at least, but Palacio might go as well if they find a better point guard.

Right now Raptors are not using their point guards for scoring at all.

vvii 12-01-2003 06:29 PM

peterson should be included in that trade instead of JYD,... way too many shooter already in the raptor, we should have kept JYD and let peterson to the bull, he shoot way~~~~~~~~~~~ too much of 3 points (one air ball include per game at least :hithead: ) each game

vvii 12-01-2003 06:33 PM

raptor + JYD - Mo Pete = will win less ball games, with his great defend :clap:

raptor - JYD + Mo Pete = will lose most of the ball games, if Vince didn't get HOT :evil:

mo pete didn't get trade,.... WTF,... Are you kiding me!!!!!!

flip114 12-01-2003 08:31 PM

Raptors - JYD - Davis + Jalen Rose = doo doo.
With JYD and Davis gone who's gonna grab all the rebounds when Carter and Rose ALWAYs miss them. Our team is gonna look like scared little monkeys taking shoots from the 3-pt rim. We have no penetrating skills on our team.

AznSaint 12-02-2003 12:53 AM

anyone see the highlights of the bulls game?

see the impact jyd and davis had on the first game>???
would of been a good good game to watch.

may be first game luck... but all in all, they're definitely gonna help the bulls.

BlueTroll 12-02-2003 03:11 AM

to whoever said that they should've thrown mopete in that deal?.... dam i'm sure they tried... but hell.... mopete is struggling.... and i mean STRUGGLING..... i remember those days where he would come down the court and pop the 3... man u couldn't leave him open or he'd make u pay... but those days r LONG gone.... he needs to move onto a different team.....

I really like JYD too... i'll miss his energy game... but its all good... cuz Bosh is steppin up big.... and dayam!!! we got rid of that whiny little turd Davis and we got ROSE.... and MARSHALL, he can rebound and score... something JYD couldn't do....

All in all, i think this deal was great for the raps.... but i really don't think grunwald is done dealing yet.... i think mopetes days as a raptor are numbered... prolly a decent bigman comin in soon.

SPIDEY 12-02-2003 08:35 AM

I don't know...I like marshall and Baxtor...but not Rose...

this is a risky move by the GM.... If you look at Rose, yeah he is a star and he does produce (i.e. his stats), but look at the teams he had been in, when he was there they were all losing....except for that one year in Indiana...but anywayS I think teh reason is Rose misses too much and is kind of unselfish...I don't know...he could help or he could destroy us with his huge contract...

I really Miss JYD..I think trading AD away si a must, coz he doesn't like it here and his contract is fat. BUt we really gave up a lot by giving up JYD, look at his first game....he is already a fan favourite there..and they got a standing ovation that night...>_<..I am sure next time JYD comes to toronto, we will give him standing ovation too..

I also agree that we don't have as much front court defense now, but Marshall and Baxtor will be a good fit, Baxtor might be a steal of this trade.

I am ok with the trade, the only thing I don';t like is Rose becoming a raptor...I hated Rose....we will see where this si going..

SPIDEY 12-02-2003 08:37 AM

Originally posted by BlueTroll
to whoever said that they should've thrown mopete in that deal?.... dam i'm sure they tried... but hell.... mopete is struggling.... and i mean STRUGGLING..... i remember those days where he would come down the court and pop the 3... man u couldn't leave him open or he'd make u pay... but those days r LONG gone.... he needs to move onto a different team.....

I really like JYD too... i'll miss his energy game... but its all good... cuz Bosh is steppin up big.... and dayam!!! we got rid of that whiny little turd Davis and we got ROSE.... and MARSHALL, he can rebound and score... something JYD couldn't do....

All in all, i think this deal was great for the raps.... but i really don't think grunwald is done dealing yet.... i think mopetes days as a raptor are numbered... prolly a decent bigman comin in soon.

well...JYD can rebound, he probalby rebounds better than marshall..but yeah..I like marshall..I don't mind that part of the trade.........I hope Baxtor will be good..

and yeah...he probably would trade Mopete somewhere, since he is on his last year.....hopefully we get some center that can defend....

flip114 12-02-2003 11:29 AM

I saw the Bulls game, and Davis and JYD played really good well. They played the level i knew they were capable of, but just was not producing it during their stay here in Toronto.

I feel sorry for JYD, i saw his interview, and when asked about being traded, he said he made the proper calls and was assured that he WAS NOT going to get traded. He really liked it here in T.O. Then one day he just gets a call and BANG!!, He's chicago bound.

I guess the the only way we will find out if the trade was good or not, is these next three games. Tonight agains't the Sixers should be a good testimonial to the trade. Were about evenly matched i think.

vvii 12-02-2003 11:33 AM

i think this is a great deal for both bull and the rap, bosh will help with the inside with either marshell or some other guys, i know the inside game is not looking good at all for the rap, but if you have watch the rap games for most recent seasons, you will notice that if vince is hot, they have higher % to win a ball game, and he know someone else to help him out when he isnt hot, who else can help the rap b4 the trade,.... NO ONE .... so that 's why they need people like rose and marshell to help out the rap

SPIDEY 12-02-2003 11:42 AM

yeah I agree flip...we will one knows how it will turn depends on the how the player perform.....

but yeah....JYD was so loyal and everything...I just hope next time he comes the crowd would cheer him....and make him know that we miss him...

but it is also true that he is not producing...but I guess it is not all his fault...ti's coz of the new system...........

AznSaint 12-02-2003 11:58 AM

another player who i thought we should of kept was keon clark... even though his numbers arent as good with the Kings.... but it's moreso that he has a smaller role with them.

i like the fact that we got Rose, but dont like the fact that we got rid of JYD. i believed that the trade didnt have to involve him. o_O

AznSaint 12-02-2003 12:02 PM

one more thing... we dont have a big man that can guard players liek shaq or malone. i guess marshall will have to fill that role..... he is a big guy, but is he still capable of guarding players like shaq...?

and then.... we dont have big guys that can guard players from dallas... their players and play inside... and be a deadly shooter from the outside.

then there's duncan.... we dont have anyone that can defend him imo.

so bottom line, be happy if the raptors make it to the eastern conference finals.

is montross still on the team? .... i dont even know how all those players get those stupid contracts.

it's like Big Country... remember him? .. he got that HUGE contract..... played it out... and now he's retired. he did jack shit!!! but he's flithy rich now.

FaiJai 12-02-2003 03:05 PM

AznSaint, montross retired guy...before the season started

SPIDEY 12-02-2003 03:17 PM

well..NO marshall can't guard shaq....but..who can?..haha..
but I know what you are saying..our front court defense is definetly weaker.....

I don't think marshall can be a center..he is too short..he si big but short......I think moiso or Bosh has to step up...

vvii 12-02-2003 06:02 PM

how come we have so many big guy who are white??

eric montross, Michael Bradley..

vvii 12-02-2003 06:05 PM

just find that Jalen Rose will take the #5 jersey from Michael Bradley, and Michael Bradley will take 33 instead..

AznSaint 12-02-2003 06:58 PM

did montross retire.........?

you see what i mean!?? useless players getting paid the millions to be practice players.

is marshall short? he seems taller on tv. haha....

as for bosh, he's a scronny tall 18 year old.

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