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ripper 05-09-2002 07:59 PM

The cops made me see reality
So yesterday I was cruising in my 2k1 civic...cruisin home from work when I get pulled over. This is the 4th time this week and I am starting to get peeved. I'm used to getting pulled over in my other car, a 72 challenger, bright red, 450 hp, loud as a harley, but this is ridiculous, I'm in a civic. So the cop searches me and the car, then he starts writing tickets, illegal intake (no carb number, injen, at least not yet), illegal taillights (altezza's, I didn't have the certificate of conformity on me), and he said my spoiler was inhibiting my view (aluminum wing, some may not like it, but I do). I'm suprised he didn't get me for exhaust or anything else. I can get this all signed off, but what a pain, cops just hate rice rockets. I was never harassed like this in my dodge. So, here is my decision, I am going to leave my car stock except for the sport mirrors, altezza grille, rims, and exhaust (which means I have to get a new trunk lid, cuz mine will have holes in it). And later I'm going to get some chrome rims, turn it into a cruiser.

Now here is the good part. I've got a friend who is from japan and drift-races. One of the neatest cars over there is an ae86, he owns 9 (6street,3race). For any of you who don't know what this car is, it is an 86 toyota corolla, with a dohc 16 valve 4 banger, RWD. Anyway, they make a hole bunch of great performance mods for this car, so I'm going to build one. Not only will cops never suspect me, but it will be a complete sleeper except for those who know the car. I am also going to autocross and drift it when it's done. He said if we get the parts from japan, I could have a seriously badazz and fast car for under 7g's, and be able to race it. YES!:tup: By the way....POWER TRIPPED COPS SUCK!

01SOHCcivic 05-09-2002 08:02 PM


they were just doing there job !!!
i dont think you would think cops are homos when your getting shot at by a fellow hater

but i agree with one little thing
the altezza tails!!!i cant believe he wrote you a ticket for that!thats BS!!!

CivicPro01 05-09-2002 08:03 PM

Cops are a pain in the @ss!! But what kind of altezzas do you have and can i buy them?? Email me at!! Thanks and sorry to here about what happened!!

johnride 05-09-2002 08:07 PM

Man that sucks I glad cops are not that way out here.

ripper 05-09-2002 08:09 PM

Ok, I can understand cops doing their job WTFBjTCH, but don't you think they should be out doing something other than harassing guys with a nice car? We have all put lots of work into our cars to show our style, and its sucks when you get knocked by a big redneck cop smoking a cigar (similar to the sheriff from Smokey and the Bandit) because he doesn't like imports.

ripper 05-09-2002 08:10 PM

Oh yeah, secondly, like I said, there is a bright side to all of this...I'm getting another car...I can't wait![IMG]i/expressions/laugh2.gif[/IMG] It's like getting a new member of the family. When I get the ae86, I'll post pictures of all of my cars.

wh3nw0rdsesc4pe 05-09-2002 08:11 PM

my thoery?? No sure if it's right, but how I see it...

If lexus (toyota) can market the Lexus IS300 or the RX300? (suv) with altezza's and they aren't illegal why are other altezza's illegal??

ripper 05-09-2002 08:15 PM

I don't understand it either. My friend got knocked for altezzas, intake, exhaust, car being to low, dvd player, basically every mod on his car. I think cops are just trying to crack down on everyone out here. I live in the bay area, and they're trying to stop racers from doing anything. I guess you can't blame them though, it's because a few people died by being stupid on the streets, and now everyone has to pay for it. I take it to the track, tired of running from cops just to get a race in.

CivicPunker17 05-09-2002 08:16 PM

hmmm...i try to have respect for cops...i was going 20 over in a 35 one time (i thought it was 50 mph since it's a main highway) and the cop let me off with a verbal warning because he thought i had a really nice car, i swear to god. and i was on my way to a show too! what a way to start the day :). but i was lucky, and now im a lot more cautious.

My Car

QCKSILVR 05-09-2002 08:16 PM

By the way....COPS ARE HOMOS!

Great, I would have impounded your car with that attitude. I'm tired of the "I'm being harassed" attitude...the guy is doing what he is being paid to do.

Voiceofid 05-09-2002 08:27 PM

i don't know what kind of altezzas you have, but the big dounut and the tyc ones have the dot approval numbers engraved on the light itself:susp:

Mbow 05-09-2002 08:32 PM

I don't know why an officer would be handing out tickets for those kinds of mods. If you got a ticket for the intake then he was most certainly on some type of mission seeing that you would have had to pop the hood. I could see a ticket for completely clear head or tail lights that don't illuminate in the proper colors but otherwise, I am a little confused. With all the people flying down the roads driving like idiots, I simply can't understand why an officer would be wasting time with such trivial alleged violations. As a taxpayer, that kind of nonsense infuriates me. Most officers have a good attitude and serve the public very well. However, I am sure a lot of us can attest to the fact that there are some bad ones that abuse their power and are more crooked than normal citizens.

Boost 05-09-2002 08:33 PM

the reason that cars like the lexus already has the piece of equipment ALREADY installed from the factory. Its the same with mirror tint on their SUV. because it came from the factory like that and already passed the governments inspection to let it into the country, than its legel. it sux big time but thats the way it goes sometimes[IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/IMG][IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/IMG]:susp:

ripper 05-09-2002 08:34 PM

So your saying cops don't harass people? Or are you saying it's ok to pull over someone who has done nothing wrong? Dude, I'm a hard working guy who keeps out of trouble, and I work hard for everything I own. So when a cop gives me a hard time for my car (which I have worked hard to build and conform to california laws), I'm supposed to be happy about it? Not cool man. I'll admit I've had a few cops who were nice people, but most aren't (at least to me). I don't think a person should be messed with because of their car and/or how they look. I give people respect, and hope to get it back.

ripper 05-09-2002 08:35 PM

By the way, since while I was posting 3 people posted, I was talking to QCKSILVR

QCKSILVR 05-09-2002 08:40 PM

It is fair game to stop and summons a motorist when you have equipment violations. If an officer perceives that a car is in violation, it is his or her call to conduct the stop and he or she may issue a summons if the situation warrants it. I do not write tickets like that or even stop people for mods unless I happen to notice it during a stop I made for something else and the person has an attitude. The harassment does happen on a small scale, however, the media tends to portray it on a bigger scale than it actually is. I'm not sure what the officer issued summonses to you for, however, I'm sure you know it is a crime to issue and sign an accusatory instrument (a summons) when what is being alleged is not true. The officer must have noticed something.

And I disagree that cops are homos, as you contend in your first post.

RegulatorRacing 05-09-2002 08:40 PM

<< I'm tired of the "I'm being harassed" attitude >>

Well why dont you cry about it? If you dont like your job on the beat, then go get our tax money ($30 an hour) directing traffic....


QCKSILVR 05-09-2002 08:44 PM

For your information, a starting officer in my department begins at $46,500 BASE. That is not $30 an hour. The fact that you resort to saying "oink oink" in a disrespectful manner exhibits your immaturity and inabilty to express your discontent in a civilized manner. It also reflects your level of intelligence. I always try and show respect to someone. The person who initated this post expressed their concern and I responded. Notice that I did not resort to name calling.

RegulatorRacing 05-09-2002 08:45 PM

<< For your information, a starting officer in my department begins at $46,500 BASE. That is not $30 an hour. >>

Re-read my post.... Im saying that cops who do traffic detail get $30/hr which is sooooo ridiculous. At least that is the pay rate in Massachusetts.

QCKSILVR 05-09-2002 08:50 PM

I apologize if I misconstrued the meaning of your post. Police work is hard enough without having to hear everyone complain all the time. I try to think I am a good officer, but I get frustrated when I see people call the police names, hate on them for anything they do, yet when they need help, they always call us.

RegulatorRacing 05-09-2002 08:54 PM

Oh now you make me look like the idiot by editing your post? Wow, not only are pretty much all cops @$$holes I guess theyre intelligent too. I must resort to name calling because I know and have learned that you can't fight the law... Unfortunately they hire power-tripping men and women who were the outcasts in high school to up hold that law. Wow cops are real tough pullin over high school kids for havin exhausts that are too loud and givin em $hit for it by giving them tickets which they cannot not afford causing them to sacrifice their cars that they put time and effort into. It's one thing to up hold the law for public safety, a power trip is a whole different story. Don't talk to me about intelligence pig, the intelligence I have is that I am working my butt off in high school currently to reach high honors where I will go to a good college and not rely on criminal justice courses at the local junior college just to make end's meat. I gurantee I will triple your salary the year I get out of college... now, who is really intelligent?

AFlyer 05-09-2002 08:57 PM

well put QCKSILVER, i agree with you completely. cops are there to help us out, and then people hate on them for doing their jobs. would we rather have complete anarchy here? or some sort of dictatorship in which we can't even OWN cars, much less mod them up? to QCKSILVER and all the other cops out there, keep it up. you're doing a great job, and if i get caught speeding or whatever, get caught BREAKING THE LAW, then i have no one to blame but myself.

QCKSILVR 05-09-2002 09:08 PM

I can't believe I am going to go to down to the level of a high school student, but here it goes. I am a graduate of a respectable college where criminal justice wasn't even offered. You make an unwarranted, uneducated, unfounded GUESS. I majored in Management with a minor in Accounting; I obtained my Bachelor of Business Administration degree. I then fulfilled what I wanted to do ever since I was FIVE YEARS OLD--become a police officer. Making the assumption that I was an outcast in high school leads to yet another unfounded, untrue guess by you.

I also am appalled that I have to counter your contention regarding my economic position, however, I highly doubt you will ever be able to top my net worth. Don't let the fact that I drive a Honda Civic or am a police officer fool you. I never had a problem making ends meet; my father is a corporate litigator in a major Manhattan law firm, and I highly doubt as if I will ever have a financial problem. I may even go to law school myself some day.

I apologize to all of the other members on this board if what I wrote seemed stuck up and arrogant, however it pisses me off when someone makes generalizations about me, or any other cop, and then calls me a pig.

Mbow 05-09-2002 09:14 PM

Just remember that there are a lot of immature little 16 year old kids on the board. Don't take it to heart. They are too young to really know any better. It's not really an excuse for their behavior but it helps in understanding their ignorance.

NeoMagus 05-09-2002 09:15 PM

its the power tripping cops that need dealt with. As qck has said in his past posts, its terrible that law enforcement is stereotyped over the bad apples, not every single one of them is bad.

QCKSILVR 05-09-2002 09:18 PM

I think the members of this board for the most part are great. Everyone knows I'll take my time to give a personal response by PM to any problem that someone might have, and I enjoy helping people, however, I just lose it when people take the police for granted, make fun of them, call them stupid. I don't like being personally attacked for what I CHOSE to do, and be belittled to the extent to be called a pig. It just makes me [IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/IMG] I thank those who have given their support in this thread.

EDITED for spelling.

ripper 05-09-2002 09:35 PM

OK people, lets get down to the bottom line here. When I wrote the first post I should have said cops who are on power trips are homos (or some other word to not offend anyone here). I will edit accordingly. I am also a well educated adult, and I hate stooping to the level of name calling, but for arguments sake, I cannot understand the idea of a police officer meant to help people would be on such a power trip that they would give someone a ticket for having mods which don't hurt anyone. On my intake there are all of the emissions hook ups and the car runs clean out of the pipe. I am getting the certificate of conformity for my tail lights, and I will fight the spoiler issue in court with pictures (it is very thin and at the angle it is at from inside the car it does not impair my view, it is almost unnoticeable). But, you have to admit that police officers who like to bug people because they don't look like a business man, or don't drive a "normal" car are out of line. I have probably had the unfortunate experience with this percentile of the police officers because I am a blue collared worker who owns tricked out cars. This does not make it fair, but would give two reasons for the arrogant police officers out there to not like me. As I said before, I treat all of these police officers with respect and no attitude, but they still insist on the run around. By the way, to clarify things, for any of you who wonder, I have no criminal record and 1 ticket which was taken off of my driving record. This was the only ticket I ever received.

QCKSILVR 05-09-2002 09:44 PM

You seem like a nice person, and I concurr with what you said. I don't go for dishonest cops and they make all of us look bad. I don't write silly summonses unless the person calls me a "pig" or tells me to direct traffic or is irate and condescending, etc., and for the most part, I understand that people are generally good, hardworking individuals. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions regarding your ticket(s) or the procedure for dismissing an equipment violation, etc.

RegulatorRacing 05-09-2002 09:47 PM

<< its the power tripping cops that need dealt with. As qck has said in his past posts, its terrible that law enforcement is stereotyped over the bad apples, not every single one of them is bad. >>

This quote sums up my feelings on police officers... MEMBERS, I was wrong. I should not have made comments about another member's education or financial status. We are all in her together united by a common passion. It's just that I have become very bitter towards police officers because in my city, almost all of them treat "kids" like crap. I do not have a criminal record and I am a step nine driver in my state(no tickets). Though my driving record is clean, I have been pulled over 5 times since I bought my car and have been harassed by cops. I have been pulled out of the car twice and had my car search. A week ago I got pulled over and the cop asked why my car smells funny... I handed him a pack of cigarettes, He told me to step out of the car and put me in hand cuffs and threw me against the hood of the car... he went through my car for over a half an hour while I stood outside of it one block from my house with many neighbors driving by. The police officer embarassed me and my family for no reason at all. It is corruption such as this that angers me. I realize that police officers are just doing their job, but I am just fed up..... I'm sorry for acting the way I did, I realize that I need to calm my anger down. I AM VERY SORRY....

QCKSILVR 05-09-2002 09:55 PM

I appreciate your apology and I do agree with what you say. I am 23 years old and will not tolerate another officer treating a kid in an improper manner---I don't really "rat" on another officer, but I will tell him/her directly when to stop doing what he or she is doing. I believe in respecting the civilian all the time, even if that person happens to be a prisoner. I'm tired of hearing about officers that improperly conducted searches without sufficient PC, beating people up, etc., the last time I checked, the US Constitution was still in existance. Police officers need to realize that when they step out of line, it makes us all look bad and makes my job that much harder to do.

I certainly hope you did something about the incident you describe---conduct such as what you described the officer did is unacceptable.

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