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Cptn. Slow 02-03-2006 10:41 PM

Speeding Tickets
I've been tossing this idea around all day and have come to the conclusion that I think it is a good one.
I think that speeding tickets should be based on a vehicles weight class. Each class would carry its own fine. So a compact car doing 10 over would receive a smaller fine than an SUV doing 10 over. Now here's the basis of the argument. The reason speeding is illegal in the first place is to prevent accidents. A person is more dangerous at higher speeds blah blah blah. Well a heavy truck doing 80 is a lot more dangerous than a Civc. The truck weighs 1400lb+ more than the small car meaning if in an accident it would do more damage. Therefore the truck (great danger) should receive a heavier fine thus keeping people from speeding in SUVs, trucks, and 18 wheelers (in theory) in order to avoid a big hit to the wallet.
What do you think?

dp_yz713 02-03-2006 10:51 PM

i dont think it would ever happen, cuz then everyone would get a compact car and speed since the tickets would be small lol. but it wouldnt happen

CivicsRdBest 02-03-2006 10:52 PM

So a fully loaded compact vehicle weighing 3000 lbs including driver/passengers/equipment is less dangerous than an SUV w/ driver weighing 2800 lbs? :hithead:

The opposite could happen. People might just speed in their compacts, and not in their SUV's...

Cptn. Slow 02-03-2006 11:01 PM

I said based on weight. those are the same so same fine

JJJ 02-03-2006 11:12 PM

so what happens when the sports compact smashed into a pedestrian? do they get a smaller fine cuz its a diff weight class than the SUV? I don't think that would ever have a chance.

dp_yz713 02-03-2006 11:15 PM

^^^actually he only said speeding tickets buddy

spoonJDMlX 02-04-2006 05:00 AM

heres the best answer

dont speed?

genx_7 02-04-2006 07:43 AM

what the?

nick95673 02-04-2006 09:11 AM

When I get a speeding ticket the fine is not what I care about. Its the insurance that kills me. So in your idea larger cars would have lower insurance than smaller cars. It would all balance out.

Cptn. Slow 02-04-2006 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by JJJ
so what happens when the sports compact smashed into a pedestrian? do they get a smaller fine cuz its a diff weight class than the SUV? I don't think that would ever have a chance.

fine!?! who gets off with a fine after running someone over?

Originally Posted by nick95673
When I get a speeding ticket the fine is not what I care about. Its the insurance that kills me. So in your idea larger cars would have lower insurance than smaller cars. It would all balance out.

how do you see that? b/c the larger vehicles get less tickets?
I have to admit I had not thought about insurance, but I guess maybe use a similar scale...
I'm not making this point b/c I speed and want smaller fines. I am tired of having 4000lbs+ of metal flying past me doing 15-20 over on a regular basis. And this was still going on yesterday in the damn rain.

MajinB 02-04-2006 01:00 PM

nice thought though.

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