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MajinB 09-26-2005 11:18 PM

bio diesels
ok, i want to talk about this one. i know of turbo VWs that have been converted into a bio-deisel. how do you do it? could you do it on a 7th gen? i know that they have 1.3 Turbo deisel civics in europe. could you pull a motor from over there and convert it? what does it take? from what i understand, it runs on cooking oil. so i figure i could get an old honda and put a motor in it. then i would visit my local fast food chinese store for a free fill up. any thoughts?

JP375 09-26-2005 11:33 PM

Ever hear of "Google"? Plenty of info out there on this.

Al Gore FTW 09-27-2005 12:01 AM

hes asking vehicle specific tho....and i have no clue

southpasdena 09-27-2005 12:05 AM

Its more than cooking oil. There are processes that are required to transform it into a usuable fuel. Although, making it yourself will still only cost less than a dollar a gallon.

JP375 09-27-2005 12:15 AM

Its alot of work and its messy. Not worth it in my opinion, but if your willing to put up with it, its a noble effort.

Someone else brought this up a while back:

speedracersong 09-27-2005 01:30 AM

your exhaust will smell like french fries... assuming you use fast food grease

TurismoDreamin 09-27-2005 02:15 AM

i think it has to be a diesel engine to do that particular conversion...

Tragedy 09-27-2005 11:33 AM

I saw one of those today on the way to my office. It was a long cab truck sporting the envio stickers and anti war stickers. I think it is cool its envio friendly.

shroomster 09-27-2005 12:30 PM

I dunno I think I found something relevant but its not for the engine...I'll keep an eye out though ....Bio-Diesel

Kadenx 09-27-2005 12:34 PM

I am planning on making a bio diesel car....just as a time killer really

scansel912 09-27-2005 12:53 PM

It can be any diesel engine. You don't need to do mods to a diesel engine. Just get vegetable oil, filter it. Add methanol and titrates. Mix. Then your done.

Were doing it to our 2001 F-350. Supposedly the diesel engines actually run better and you get better power.

TurismoDreamin 09-27-2005 02:07 PM

....and u can probably get the vegetable oil free at like mcdonalds or something...hehe....just gotta really filter that out tho....i remember doing a search either on ebay or just on the net and found quite a few hits on already made kits to covert to bio diesel....but remember, it has to be a diesel...

acjones21 09-27-2005 02:52 PM

1. you don't need a conversion kit, biodiesel is diesel that is from plant (now) not plants 1 million years ago.

2. freedom fuel has a website with a fuel making kit

3. you need to know how much methanol to add or you **** your engine

4. it IS better fuel

5. start with a diesel car, converting would be retarded

ncirom2003 09-27-2005 03:39 PM

bio diesel isnt the same as cooking oil, thats two different fuels ( i know youve heard different but im taking a class in alternative fuels so listen to me not them)
you can only convert a diesel engine to bio-diesel and you have to make sure it will be okay in your engine because it can possibly eat at rubber pieces in your fuel lines and stuff.(older model cars is more common to happen) also what youd do is mix the bio diesel with regular diesel, like 80 percent reg. 20 percent bio. you wouldnt run pure bio.

vegetable oil can be used as a backyard remedy but it will never be used commercially because of the potential contaminenets because it wont be as proscessed and filtered as commercial fuels. you would have to run your car off diesel to warm it up and bring up the temp of the oil then switch to it then switch back later on to clear out the fuel lines so the oil doesnt cause damage.

dont add this to your car, it will just cause misfires and incomplete combustions which may in turn make your emissions worse.

ncirom2003 09-27-2005 03:40 PM

p.s. i can look through my notes if you wanna know more but theres no designated book for the class.

scansel912 09-27-2005 05:14 PM

Actually, you can run pure bio diesel... You don't have to mix it in with regular diesel. Check out freedomfuel's website.

ncirom2003 09-27-2005 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by scansel912
Actually, you can run pure bio diesel... You don't have to mix it in with regular diesel. Check out freedomfuel's website.

maybe you can, its very possible i misunderstood my teachers words but he said its available as he knows to the public as b20 (20 % bio)
and would you honestly want to pay for pure diesel? i believe its like 12 dollars a gallon so its also impracticle

scansel912 09-27-2005 05:30 PM

The stuff you make you can run pure biodiesel. Im sure the stuff they sell is just how you say.

The cost of making your own biodiesel per gallon is less then a dollar a gallon. A much better alternative to what we are paying now and you also get the benefit of low emissions and more power.

ncirom2003 09-27-2005 05:32 PM

what do you mean, make your own biodiesel?

nick95673 09-27-2005 05:32 PM

bio diesel uses more diesel fuel to harvest and process than it saves. it also costs more. its not a wise idea. its only popular because farmers get govt subsides for being farmers and another subside for developing alternative fuels. look in to the people promoting the new products if its only the guys who make the product or scientist funded my the guys who make the product then it may not be all that awesome.

ncirom2003 09-27-2005 05:37 PM

^ yea i really dont see the point in biodiesel but w/e

and how do you pose to make it on your own? biodiesel (in usa ) is made from soy beans can you extract certain chemicals from soy beans in your bedroom for less than a dollar? i think your thinking of vegetable oil which isnt actually bio-diesel. and it doenst make more power, its less power efficient.

scansel912 09-27-2005 08:25 PM

Ok BIO DIESEL that you make your self is usually left over cooking oil/frying oil from restaurants. Once a week you go pick up their waste, lets say 60 gallons for an example. You take it home, run it through the filter that comes in your kit. You then test the pH levels of the oil to decide how much titrate you add and you add the amount of methanol accordingly. Its then mixed and yields you about 30-40 gallons of usuable fuel depending on the quality of the original oil. The rest is glycerine that you can just throw away or sell back to soap companies for example if you have a connection. It costs less then 1 dollar a gallon to make. The only energy you use during this process is maybe a few dozen watts to run the filtering, pumping device.

Also, it is cleaner burning, better for your engine, and makes the same power if not more then regular diesel.

scansel912 09-27-2005 08:27 PM

You can also mix vegetable oil with diesel but you have to heat it up and all this other stupid stuff which is what you were talking about a few posts up.

ncirom2003 09-27-2005 08:41 PM

ok, i get what your saying but personally i wouldnt consider vegetable oil made into bio-diesel in your yard as safe and practical as real bio. the refinery process is so intense no1 can even begin to mimic this in theire backyard as well.
i didnt know about the ph testing lil part, thats news to me.
either way i think its useless because all this work and crap, besides our cars got great mileage so its not worth spending money to convert our car to diesel like he originally asked, thats rediculous lol sooooo much work.

also biodiesel has a latent heat of evaporation thats 300 deg. F and diesel has one of 150 deg. F so thats another reason that it must be mixed. so until these temps these liquids do not give off vapors and are not explosive, in fact at room temp you can take a match and dump it into these fluids and the match will go out, but at 150 or 300 the vapors will ignite (which is nescessary for combustion)
and i still dont think bio-diesel has as much power potential as diesel but its not worht arguing.

southpasdena 09-28-2005 12:21 AM

Bio diesel in its final form is cleaner burning than petroleum, but the process of actually making does harm the environment. That is the reason why commercially, the is so little being made becuase they have not found a large scale safe way of making it. Also, this can only be used on newer model diesels, say 87 to present becuase all fuel lines etc must be metal and not rubber or else you will have a nice puddle under your car and you would wonder why you arent going anywhere.

jky 09-28-2005 01:17 AM

1. In europe we have Honda civic with 1.7l turbo-diesel engine makes 100hp and 220 Nm (not lb-ft) of torque. diesel, read here :

3. If you want to mod you car to alternative fuel: go for ethanol (106 octane, some people run 14:1 compresion with this fuel some say it would go 15:1), the only problem is that ethanol has some water in it so you have to mod you car not to rust in the fuel system.
Read here:

ncirom2003 09-28-2005 06:01 AM

did you guys know bio-diesel was used before diesel ever was in cars?

in 1853 biodiesel was being used by some guy (whos last name is diesel i think) in a car but he later quit using it due to cost

k20txem2 09-28-2005 07:23 AM

Originally Posted by acjones21
1. you don't need a conversion kit, biodiesel is diesel that is from plant (now) not plants 1 million years ago.

2. freedom fuel has a website with a fuel making kit

3. you need to know how much methanol to add or you **** your engine

4. it IS better fuel

5. start with a diesel car, converting would be retarded

*3. Not just methanol you also need LYE.

You dont have to convert anything, its just like regular deisle. Watch trucks occationally, they just had an episode on making it. And the oil, has to be Vegitable Oil not cooking grease.

robbclark1 09-28-2005 07:54 AM

bio diesel is type of fuel made from plants. A guy in Germany also can make it from garbage. Biodesiel is not just vegetable oil but can come from sugar cane and rice. Biodiesel is less per gallon than gasoline.

southpasdena 09-28-2005 02:13 PM

Yeah i agree its not just vegetable oil, it can be almost any kinda plant, including algae

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