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slappyhoohah 03-22-2004 11:16 PM

car got broken into
well i can join the club now cause my car got broken into tonight.
i was at work and it was around 9pm so i went out to move my car out front so i can watch it thru the window like i do every night. i sat in the drivers seat and noticed all this white stuff on the passenger seat... i thought it was snow again cause a few days ago i left my moonroof open and my seats were covered in snow... anyway i realized it didnt snow and saw a big whole in my passenger side window. then i looked down and noticed they took my case of 200 cds off my seat.
i just dont get why people cant leave other peoples shit alone.
well anyway i had to vaccuum out all the glass and then drive a half hour home in the 10 degree freakin cold air.
hopefully the insurance will cover some of the cds so i can get an ipod and forget about having all those cds in my car for someone else to steal.

gearbox 03-22-2004 11:29 PM

Live and learn I guess. I feel for you. Best advice is don't keep anything in the car, especially tons of cds.

yourinmyw0rld 03-23-2004 12:02 AM

that sucks man

Krepoort 03-23-2004 08:14 AM

Any idea who could've done it? You should definitely invest in an alarm system.

slappyhoohah 03-23-2004 08:26 AM

there are a bunch of kids that skateboard there everyday so im gonna have a little chat with them tonight.
and i plan on getting a good alarm very soon cause this sux

bhaz413 03-23-2004 11:02 AM

Re: car got broken into
man that sucks bro, sorry to hear that. did you have any type of theft device?

I know this might be a pain, but I have about the same amount of CDs as you, and I used to travel with them. I used to get parinoid about it cause that is a good collection too loose. So I just spent a day taking my CD collection and converting them to MP3's and burning them on big mix cd's and thats all I carry now. If you ever start building your collection again, I suggest doing that to be safe.

Originally posted by SlappyHooHah
well i can join the club now cause my car got broken into tonight.
i was at work and it was around 9pm so i went out to move my car out front so i can watch it thru the window like i do every night. i sat in the drivers seat and noticed all this white stuff on the passenger seat... i thought it was snow again cause a few days ago i left my moonroof open and my seats were covered in snow... anyway i realized it didnt snow and saw a big whole in my passenger side window. then i looked down and noticed they took my case of 200 cds off my seat.
i just dont get why people cant leave other peoples shit alone.
well anyway i had to vaccuum out all the glass and then drive a half hour home in the 10 degree freakin cold air.
hopefully the insurance will cover some of the cds so i can get an ipod and forget about having all those cds in my car for someone else to steal.

bhaz413 03-23-2004 11:03 AM

I recomend clifford alarms.

Originally posted by SlappyHooHah
there are a bunch of kids that skateboard there everyday so im gonna have a little chat with them tonight.
and i plan on getting a good alarm very soon cause this sux

JSWhaler 03-23-2004 11:12 AM

ouch, hope insurance can help out

noname 03-23-2004 04:00 PM

thats sucks man....
I know how you feel
I did the same thing as Bhaz

and it sucks with the cds too, thats just so much money you spent.

Grey 03-23-2004 04:57 PM

People steel stuff for all sorts of stupid reasons. Something like being drunk and not having the money for another beer might be one of them. Something like just having too much free time on your hands and not enough money to do SOMETHING is another. Then there are people that get off on just breaking into cars and taking stuff for the hell of it.

The dude might not have even sold the CD's. He could of just kept them to himself/herself and listened to them until he/she got bored. Stupid, right? Yeah. Then again, 200 CD's could be sold for about $750 with all of the papers. $350 without. I sold my collection a long time ago and got about $250 for 100 CD's. Now I have everything on CD-RW's.

Anyway, breaking a window to quickly grab a ton of CD's off of a seat is easy. An alarm that goes beep beep won't do much to stop something like that. I would hide all of the goodies before getting out of your car. Then use an alarm to keep bad guys away from the car itself.

MadWheel 03-23-2004 11:04 PM

Yeah man sorry to hear about it. If you're in the market for an alarn, go for a DEI alarm, whether it be Viper, Clifford, Etc...

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