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vuthy 05-06-2002 12:23 PM

*New pics* Mah RiDe w/mah 19"RH C3 !!!!!
Here are mah new pics finally!!! Ive had these wheels since March 14th....and I just bearly got pics to show!!!! Enjoy!!! Tell me what yall think.........

Hefe 05-06-2002 12:36 PM

what size tires are you runnin with?


vuthy 05-06-2002 12:45 PM

tires are 215/35/19

Hefe 05-06-2002 01:22 PM

SWEET!!!!!!!!!! :tup:

Any rubbing???

DRJ 05-06-2002 01:54 PM

Those rims look beautiful!:tup:

AEMcivic 05-06-2002 02:45 PM

Nice rims Vu!!!:tup:
I'm curious about the rubbing issue too. Did you have to do anything special to prevent any rubbing?

vuthy 05-06-2002 02:47 PM

There is slight rubbing like if I hit a bump while turning the wheel....or if I hit a large bump then it rubs a little bit.... but thats only cus I like to drive my car really low. If I were to raise it up it would not rub at all......:)

vuthy 05-06-2002 02:50 PM

Yes i had to cut the inside of my rear fender well.... just trim it up a bit..otherwise the 19's wouldnt fit with my camber kit.... Id have to ride with a bad camber.... so thats why i cut the inside so I can still have positive camber with 19's

dragoon 05-06-2002 04:01 PM

what'd you do with your old rims? I thought those were :tup:

vtexcivic 05-06-2002 04:30 PM

nice car vuthy, damn this the wheels i always wanted for the longest, well that design, in black, gunmetal or some sort a shade of black. nice.. your car is almost the same combination as my car.. the front, sticker, and rims (coming soon!) gotta pay for some other shizz..

fraga 05-06-2002 05:45 PM

Looks awesome yet dangerously low. :)

TOOLOWCIVIC 05-07-2002 08:40 AM

Looks sweeeeeeeeeeet:tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup:: tup::tup::tup::tup:

TOOLOWCIVIC 05-07-2002 08:53 AM

What did you use to to shave the rear fenders?

Where did you buy your dash kit?

vuthy 05-07-2002 11:55 AM

man i got like alot of tool to work on cars with..... i used a rotozip for the fenders...and I got the dash kit from Honda dealership, then I sanded it down and painted it silver.

the stock aluminum Honda color it comes in is kinda brownish looking...[IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/IMG]

Perfectcivic 05-07-2002 07:09 PM

So clean i wish i could get 18's or 19's but streets suck inside the loop. They must have really nice ones in North Shore. Where did you get your kit painted? My Xenon kits paint is cracking a little and some is peelin off

TOOLOWCIVIC 05-08-2002 08:48 AM

What can I put on my front bumper to keep it from peelin. Wax it or what[IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/IMG][IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/IMG]

vuthy 05-08-2002 12:26 PM

peeling?? peeling like how? The paint is peeling or what???

SpdRcrChk 05-08-2002 01:02 PM

THe car looks nice. I don't like that wing though. Looks like if you go fast enough, u might take off. [IMG]i/expressions/laugh2.gif[/IMG] no offense. Otherwise, it looks real sweet. [IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/IMG]

TOOLOWCIVIC 05-08-2002 02:52 PM

It looks like some of the paint is chipping. I think it could be from the bugs that stick to the bumper. Is there anything that I can put on it to protect it? How do you keep your bumper so clean?

TOOLOWCIVIC 05-08-2002 02:53 PM

Hey Vu, where is a good place to buy a bodykit in HOuston?

VTEC2001CIVIC 05-08-2002 06:02 PM

dang--car looks real good--i like the wing--you've got the same look I'm wantin to go for--as for the chippin paint thing, they might not have used an adhesion promoter when they painted it, might not have scuffed the bumper properly, or might not have used a flex agent in the clear coat. Could be any of the above.

vuthy 05-09-2002 12:54 PM

<< Hey Vu, where is a good place to buy a bodykit in HOuston? >>

any shop in Houston can get you a body kit.... its a matter of how good you know the shop owner if they hook you up or not. I can get you a kit from either Carboy, Showtime, or Hyper...just let me know and ill see what kind of price I can get me up .

inciviccord 05-09-2002 07:59 PM

that biatch is SWEET:eek:.. mad props..

im new.. here are some pics of mah whip..

fraga 05-09-2002 08:51 PM

Limegreen aye, different I'll give you that.

TOOLOWCIVIC 05-10-2002 03:30 PM

Looks tight

huyqvu 05-10-2002 04:52 PM

yo vu, thats a sweet ass ride. i miss the car scene in houston. here in michigan its like ricer heaven. was gonna keep my car clean, but after seeing yours, i might finish up my ride with some skirts and a rear bumper.

VTEC2001CIVIC 05-10-2002 07:44 PM

hey inciviccord--if that's your car, i give u big props. I saw it at NOPI nats. 01 and it looked wild as heck.

bambuski 05-11-2002 01:15 AM

nice car Vu.

MexMike 05-11-2002 02:26 AM

Damn 19"s....That is so bada$$:eek: I did not think it was possible but you never cease to amaze me. Clean Ride:tup:

inciviccord 05-11-2002 11:03 PM

hey vtec.. wait till you see it this year [IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/IMG] thanks for the props!

Purple2001Civic 05-13-2002 01:33 AM

hey to vu and incivic bothof yalls rides are hella tight
vu didnt think the 19's would fit on our cars but you proved me wrong

vuthy 05-13-2002 11:38 AM

<< Damn 19"s....That is so bada$$:eek: I did not think it was possible but you never cease to amaze me. Clean Ride:tup: >>

hAha...Thanks dude! :)

akathairacer626 05-14-2002 10:49 PM

sUp Vu ! sick rims:tup: how bout them SPURS? GO LAKERS!:)

TOOLOWCIVIC 05-17-2002 03:31 PM

Hey Vu, your front bumper is fiberglass right[IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/IMG] How do you keep it from cracking[IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/IMG] I want to get the Skyline front bumper but I don't want to crack it. I drive my car everyday that is why I 'm asking.

vuthy 05-17-2002 06:39 PM

it dont crack unless you hit something with the bottom.
Like if you bottom out or hit a curb... then it will crack... BUT another good thing about CAN BE FIXED!! if you break it, you can fix it, in most cases.... Look at my girls kit....she had cracked it three times..and you cant even tell. :)
SHE has cracked her sideskirts,& her front bumper
she kinda cant drive

but nahh forreal.... just get it it will look CLEAN.and if,...I said IF
if you break can get it fixed.... i say go for it

vuthy 05-17-2002 06:41 PM

oh yea... you know I drive my car EVERYWHERE TOO...
I drive everyday back n forth to lake jackson to work everyday then back to Houston.....thats alottttt of driving... and my kit is always on.
AND MY CAR IS LOW TOO... so if I can do it so can you!!

hope it helps you...

TOOLOWCIVIC 05-18-2002 12:23 AM

Thanxs for the info. Now I just got to go and look for the best place where I can get it.

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