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justheman 12-20-2001 02:05 AM

Northwest meet
I was thinking about this and I have a friend who owns a vw, nice car, but anyway a couple weeks back when the weather was nice he got together with a bunch of people and had a tech day... I was thinking we should do that in teh summer or whenever it gets nice and we can work on our cars clear some headlights and do other diy's or instalations of things... what do you think... I am sure someone has a nice house with a garage adn tools we could do it at


AlphaInfinity 12-20-2001 05:31 PM

You sign up for the meet we have planned on the 6th? Check out the thread above this one.

trevor 12-28-2001 02:48 PM

yea,he did,,,,,so did i,,,,,,,,,but yea justtheman,,,,that'd be coo.[IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/IMG][IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/IMG][IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/IMG][IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/IMG]

eXNBP 12-28-2001 11:02 PM usually holds meets up in Vancouver BC where they do Dynos[IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/IMG] DUnno of any other boards that do taht but i think itd be koo just the tool idea im not so sure about that[IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/IMG]

emmagatorone 12-29-2001 12:14 AM

I'd love to throw my car on the Dyno and truly know what I had! I would like to see the results in private though! So I can :cry:

black2k1vtec 12-30-2001 06:07 PM

ya...lots of the clubsi guys get over 200 hp...we barely get over 110hp.[IMG]i/expressions/laugh2.gif[/IMG]

01IncaPearl 12-30-2001 06:50 PM

<< ya...lots of the clubsi guys get over 200 hp...we barely get over 110hp.[IMG]i/expressions/laugh2.gif[/IMG] >>

yes but not all of the clubsi guys drive 4 cyls. Or hondas for that matter.

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