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Seller Boilermaker1 (16)
11-16-2007, 03:38 PM
I was wondering if you got them.... I figured you did since you didnt ask me where they were.

11-16-2007, 03:49 PM
Yeah, I have everything I order shipped to my house being that my college apartment is in the ghetto.

For instance, last night we had a bum trolling through and he banged on my door. I checked it out and he was 40+, drunk off his ass saying that he thought I stole his bike. Then he said my neighbor did it- two asian girls- so he goes walking over there and starts banging. I toss my phone to my buddy and have him call them wile I try n talk with the guy. Eventually he gives up on it and peaces out for a second, comes back dragging a deflated air mattress saying "do it, do it." He eventually peaced out. We circled the block only to find him three houses down passed out on a couch outside someones apartment.

The other day my roomate ordered something from amazon and the postman put it between the screen door and the reg door so no1 could see it.

I guess its kinda ghetto. I'm 100+ miles from home so when ever I head back up I get to open a bunch of packages. yay.

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