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Great experience, good price,++communication
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Buyer TRIZ (14)
01-14-2007, 02:56 PM
Thanks for sending the trunk liner so quick. I got it and thought what the hell is this, this is a small package. I yanked it out and it was the real deal. I had to clean it up with some soap and water- started in the kitched just cleaning the inside, and then had to carry it outside with the pool of water in it, lol. It came right before I was going to leave, so needless to say I was late to work. But its all good! Thanks for the trunk liner, I hope your other sales go as well as this one.

PS, sorry for taking so long to provide feedback- its been crazy lately.

I'd apprechiate it if you could provide feedback for me being this was my first transaction on 7thgen.

Happy belated new year!!

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